1. Idle Biceps
  2. News
  3. Idle Biceps Trading cards and Community items out now!

Idle Biceps Trading cards and Community items out now!

Hello there!

As of now, you will receive Trading Cards by playing the game. That's right, all the time you have invested pumping those biceps and reaching those gains will be rewarded with some Trading Cards!

Here is a list of all the community items available:
  • 8 Trading cards
  • 6 Profile Backgrounds
  • 5 Emojis ːib_meatːːprotein_shakeːːpre_trainingːːcreatineːːsteroidsː
  • Idle Biceps Badge (5 levels + Foil)
You can find them here

That is all for now,

Thanks again for playing my game! ːsteamhappyːːsteamhappyː