1. HAELE 3D - Feet Poser Lite
  2. News
  3. v87 VR + Xbox Support, New Editable Poses and many more

v87 VR + Xbox Support, New Editable Poses and many more

- CHANGED - Cleaned up the rest of the UI
- FIXED - Ctrl+Z was not hooked up
- FIXED - Undoing to much resets the scene to the starter scene
- FIXED - Too much redo loaded the starter scene
- FIXED - After preset scene selection, you needed two undos to undo one
- FIXED - Applying morph or environment presets did not create undo state
- ADDED - VR Support, works with Oculus Quest 2, probably also with Index, WMR and Vive, but I did not test it.
- ADDED - XBox Controller support, it works well for camera movement, but need a bit of work on the UI
- FIXED - Start Posing button failed to initiate posing correctly when some presets scenes were selected
- CHANGED - Transform gizmos get hidden in VR
- CHANGED - VR Menu is a bit smaller, the hand laser is blue
- CHANGED - Improved the readability of the expandable areas
- FIXED - CTRL - Z Undo (again)
- FIXED - A bug when editable poses killed the fps when returning to desktop mode from VR
- CHANGED - Fine tuned Xbox Controls and VR Controls
- FIXED: The location of the feet changed after preset color application when preset anim was selected
- CHANGED: Saved games appear in opposite order, so now the latest save is on top
- ADDED - 50- New editable poses
- ADDED - Toggle Extra Bones button to change the visibility of the above mentioned bones
- CHANGED - Some bones that are not always necessary for posing are hidden by default
- CHANGED - Renamed preset poses and animations
- FIXED - Custom background transforming blocked by the feet if it was in front of the gizmo
- FIXED - Updates to the Traditional Chinese translation
- FIXED - Tweaked collision on feet for click detection
- ADDED a new transform gizmo system for easier hand/feet transforming