1. Champion Shift
  2. News
  3. Patch 0.6.10

Patch 0.6.10

Greetings Champions! Dropping a small update with some fixes and improvements. Here is a full rundown of the changes:

  • Some abilities were not properly multi-casting, either with the Celestial Gifts within its tree or with the Multicast Stat Upgrade. It’s working now! (i.e. more firepower!)
  • Reduced the amount of enemies spawning, especially in the late game and final boss encounters, where the amount of enemies were overwhelming. Should feel more controlled now.
  • in an effort to improve situational awareness while playing, we increased the camera distance to the player, so more of the playing field is visible. Should improve overall clarity and visibility (still a work in progress).
  • Added a gameplay setting to automatically open the gift selection window during gameplay. Note: This will automatically slow down the game in single player.
  • The Communication Satellite defenses received an upgrade! It'll be more perilous now to get close.
  • Continued fixes with colliders in some of the stages. These will be continually fixed as the issues are found.
That's it for now! Hope you are all enjoying the game, and let us know how you feel about these changes. Until next time, keep shifting, Champions!