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  2. News
  3. Vehicle Showcase: Solomon’s Pickup Truck

Vehicle Showcase: Solomon’s Pickup Truck

In the early stages of developing The Bornless, the idea of incorporating vehicles seemed like an odd fit. If asked, "Will The Bornless have vehicles?" we would've likely responded with, "No, what do you mean?" However, as the game world expanded, the necessity for a feature enabling rapid travel between locations became apparent. Fast travel and teleportation didn't align with our vision, leading us to introduce Solomon’s Pickup Truck, the first player-controlled vehicle in The Bornless.

[h3]Preserving the Eerie[/h3]
Adding this vehicle posed a unique challenge. The Bornless is, at its core, an FPS horror shooter, and vehicles are neither inherently terrifying nor do they shoot bullets. After our 3D Team completed the car's design, the sound design team took the lead, crafting immersive sounds that enhance the experience. Just envision the sound of tires screeching as you drift through the winding streets of Farmouth. These vehicles are housed in garages at specific locations on the map. Accessing the cars involves our Active Interact System, which adds a fun layer to interacting with objects within the game.

[h3]Gameplay Design[/h3]
Our design intentionally supports dynamic gameplay scenarios. Whether players are being shot at or chased by a demon, the trucks are designed so that when a player jumps onto the back, they stay put instead of bouncing off. Although the game primarily supports duo play, if you spot a truck and have the skills to jump onto the back, you can execute some impressive James Bond-style takedowns.

Ready to hit the road in Farmouth?
Secure your chance in our upcoming playtests by heading to the store page and clicking 'Request Access' now!

Thank you for Staying Unholy!

- The Bornless Team 🖤

[h3]Want to be among the first ones who will experience the true horrors of Farmouth? Add The Bornless to your wishlist.[/h3]

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