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  3. 2024/3/21 summary of updates in this week

2024/3/21 summary of updates in this week


The logical judgment for creating mobile bullets is changed to: the attack method has the creation bullet flag, and the attack method has specified ammunition items inside.

When a projectile collides with a building grid, it can be defined as an item it will remove. Using this definition, when the maze key collides with a grid with a maze door, it will be removed.

When the bullet eliminates the building, it will also disappear.

A projectile can define the level of mining damage. When it hits a solid grid, it will partially destroy the solid grid with a mining difficulty lower than this value until it is completely destroyed.

The bullet attribute can define the proportion of damage to the filling grid, with a default of 0.1. (i.e. 10 attacks destroying one grid of terrain)

Ammunition can now define the number and angle of forks.

Bullet attributes can not only define true damage, but also define damage in various dimensions.

Added a behavioral feature: fight to the end

When attacked, they will not escape, but instead will catch up and attack

Added a multiple bow that shoots 5 arrows at once


Added buildings: maze doors, maze store cabinets, both of which are buildings that cannot be destroyed under normal circumstances

Added item: Maze key

Adjusted the list of signs for the maze door, which is not a door but more like a wall in terms of movement determination.

Four new monsters have been added: Strange Vines, floating mushroom, Ground basket grass, and light fog. All have the characteristic of bloody battles to the end, only appearing in mazes, and some have non consumption long-range attacks. The bullets will split, and their long-range attack methods will damage terrain with a mining difficulty of no more than 50 at a rate of 10%.

Four new bosses have been added: Gem Worm, Magma Worm, Spinning Bird, and Water Tank Worm, all of which have health above 10000 and damage values close to 60. Except for water tank worms, their long-range attack method has a wall breaking ratio of 1, which means that a single attack will destroy one grid of terrain.

Eight new maze rooms have been added, each with one type of monster.


Cows and herbivorous silkworms no longer share icons with sheep

Chicken has been added, and both duck and chicken can lay eggs, which will be treated as meat

Added dogs, giant carp, and jellyfish

Added organisms in the aquatic plant community: aquatic plants


Added baby crib and adjusted the tiles of the bed

Added decorative buildings: flower beds, food troughs, fountains

New decorative buildings have been added: stone piers, garbage bins (also solid waste containers), street vendors, mobile dining carts, and doll clippers (also entertainment buildings)


When the character's physical strength returns to zero during the execution of actions, they no longer remove the action lock and perform rest actions, but directly enter a dozing state until their physical strength recovers to 90 or above and automatically awakens.

When giving possession of items, if the item has a satiety or drinking value, is not a food raw material, is not contaminated, and the remaining capacity of the backpack is greater than 40, the recipient will lock the item in the backpack and not store it in a container.

When a character wakes up, if they are hungry or thirsty, and there is food or water in their backpack, they will automatically eat.

When attempting to excrete, if the action list is not empty or the path is not empty, it will hold for 20-30 minutes before attempting to excrete again

A new long-distance travel command has been added, which differs from the go command in that the character will only consider going to other places when they reach that point, and the target location cannot be changed midway (but the action can be canceled). When traveling to distant places, using this command is less susceptible to interference.


When the character is full, drinking water, and has low stamina, they will no longer take on tasks.


Added decoration: Umbrella