1. Duck Life 9
  2. News


Hello Folks! Hope you are all ready because... WE'RE RELEASING THE GAME IN 2 DAYS FROM NOW! We can not wait for you to put your hands (or wings if you're an actual duck) onto the game!

Let’s keep going with the recap of the most important features coming to Duck Life 9! Shall we?

[h2]Speak easy[/h2]

We’ve given unique personalities to every character on the island, while also retaining the relatable, approachable, and slightly absurd personality of the series. You’ll never quite know what to expect when you start talking to someone! It’s a feature you’ll look forward to, not just something to smash the “A” button through.

We’ve taken a lot of inspiration from the Animal Crossing series of games and how well they get across an animal’s character in only a few lines of text.

[h2]Building the ultimate village[/h2]

With a bustling flock, your ducks need a place to call home. Create a thriving duck village using resources earned from races and training games. From cooking pots to training centres, every aspect can be tailored to your ducks' needs. And let's not forget about the essential duck necessities – somewhere to sleep and yes, even somewhere to poop! Adorn the village with decorations and shops, where ducks can find stylish hats, costumes and more. Just make sure to recruit a suitable shopkeeper first!

[h2]Upgrades, upgrades, upgrades![/h2]

Everyone loves upgrades, and here in the Flock almost everything can be upgraded! Want access to more training games? All you need to do is upgrade your training centre! Everything, down to the speed at which you chop down trees can be improved, so get saving your resources and set yourself some milestones! With a little hard work, your ducks will soon be the buffed-up lumberjack powerhouses they know they can be!

[h2]Check out the drip[/h2]

This time around, clothes are more than just for show. You can put them on a duck to give it bonus levels! Each item of clothing you equip provides its unique combination of skill benefits. You might want to use them to make up for a particular duck’s shortcomings and turn them into a more rounded racer, or to boost its highest-level skills all the way to the moon!

This means that as well as making your ducks look all spangly and catwalk-ready, they also function a little like the weapons and costumes from Duck Life Adventure, which had certain affinities and resistance bonuses tied to them. Don’t worry - your inventory will have more than enough space for you to chop and change your looks between the members of your flock!

[h2]Sharing is caring[/h2]

Of course, you can acquire clothes from many different sources - shops, race winnings, or even from the jelly coin machine! Above you can see a pretty chilled-out duck modeling the fabulous rabbit outfit, as if he could get any cuter. Should you choose to pair items from a matching set together, you’ll often end up with a duck who is an absolute powerhouse in one or two particular skills. Bunnies are good at jumping, so you can expect to bound ahead in races! If you recruit a new duck to your Flock, they will often bring some clothing with them. Ducks love to share their wardrobe, so you'll be rolling in options before you know it!

Also, seeing as you’re controlling more than just one duck this time around, you won’t be locked to just one single copy of each costume, hat or shoe. If you want to give the entire flock a single uniform look, then you bet you can try!

[h2]Cool Runnings[/h2]

“And they’re off! Billy takes the lead followed by Heather, Derice just behind with Lucy at the rear, it’s anyone's game so early on. Wait! What’s this? The crowds are cheering Lucy on and she’s pulling out front!”

“Derice is now in last place and seems low on energy, how is he going to recover from this? But wait! Derice has just pulled out an apple and he’s regaining his strength, there’s a chance he can win this!”

This is what the races are all about. We want everything you do to matter. Having food is essential to keep your duck's energy up, and motivating them helps your duck race ahead. These races are about endurance and skill. Being prepared will ensure you come out on top!

[h2]I wanna be the very best[/h2]

It’s not just about running, between you and the goal are obstacles that will challenge your duck's other abilities. This is why we train, people!

The races are set on wild terrain. Sometimes it'll be smooth sailing, then BAM - a cliff drops into the ocean. Talk about a quack attack! Don't freak out though - we got your duck's back. The races are beatable for all. If you don’t have flying unlocked then the race won’t require it; however, the extent at which you trained your duck in flying (or any other ability) will determine their ability to do that task.

[h2]To the victor goes the spoils[/h2]

At the end of it all is the grandiose celebration, on par with the Olympic Games or the Grand Prix! When your duck crosses that finish line, cue the confetti cannons! Cameras flash as the crowd goes wild, cheering your feathered champion's success. Your hard work paid off big time! Even if your duck doesn't nab first place, keep on training! There's always another race ahead and victory could be yours. Just imagine your duck standing atop that podium, gold medal gleaming!

Win or lose, you're all champions in our book. But strap in for the ride of your life as we go for the gold! Heart-pounding action awaits at the ultimate duckathlon. Let's get quackin', racers! Fame and fortune call - it's time to make history!

That’s everything for now, but come tomorrow for another recap! Join our Discord channel to stay updated and join the discussion. We’ll also be posting trailers and updates on our YouTube channel, and if you’d like to wishlist the game, you can do so now on the official Steam page.

See you on May 7th.