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  3. SFXEngine DLC Sale Now On

SFXEngine DLC Sale Now On

Hi All!

SFXEngine was updated today, and a new sale is now on for all of the DLC. This includes the Bolt-on DLC of specific new plugins: Sample, Analogue, Amplitude, Pitch, Pan, Filter, Delay, Reverb, Distortion, and Special, plus the "Analogue VCF" 24dB/Oct filter. All DLC now includes an example pack of ten sounds, presets which showcase different plug-ins.

Browse all DLC here:

All of the Bolt-on DLC are part of the 'Bolt-on Full Set Bundle' for an extra discount when buying the full set. As with all Steam Bundles, you pay only for what you don't already own. Find that here:

Sale runs for 7 days until May 3rd.

Enjoy creating,
