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  3. The history of Kyrsa

The history of Kyrsa

[h3]Hello Soulbind community[/h3]
Today we will tell you about Kyrsa.
A great warrior, a leader who was able to unite the tribes and lead them.
"A long-standing conflict has divided a huge tribe that was splitted into many clans waging bloody wars among themselves. In the legends of Allaara “The Epic of Shemaglig”, a hero will unite all the clans again into a single people and Kyrsas will conquer the entire South of Allaara, and then move to the other parts to do what they love - make war."

We are always open to your feedback and suggestions for improving the game.
[h3]Rubedo Games[/h3]

P.S. Do not forget add Soulbind: Prologue to your wishlist