1. WANDERER: Broken Bed
  2. News
  3. WANDERER - NEW Artbook 📚

WANDERER - NEW Artbook 📚

[h3]🤭 Hey, howdy hi, our dear Wanderers! 🤭[/h3]
There's something that we're updating... Yes, the game itself and the character models, but there's another equally nice part for those who like to watch and enjoy... It's the artbook! Yes, we're redesigning it now too, bringing just the latest information about the characters, as well as all their new and old versions ✨


It is mentioned that this is a DEMO version for a reason. The table of contents states that the full artbook will have 200+ pages. For now, we're sharing it with you with the most enjoyable part of it - our girls and the other characters in our story 🔥

So far, these are small examples of what will later come out on Steam as an DLC. The artbook will be coming out after the release of the WANDERER: Broken Bed itself. For now, add to your wishlists! 💜
