1. Quinn & Flynn
  2. News
  3. Update 1.0.7

Update 1.0.7

We've had a full QA pass by my dear friend Anthe, fixing some minor bugs and more typos, and QOL changes around opening and closing the history menu. Unless something drastic happens, this can now be considered the definitive release.

And, far later than I reasonably should have done, there's now a demo of Quinn & Flynn that runs up to the end of chapter 1. If any of you were on the fence and want to see if the story hooks you, now's your chance.

Also, this is a call that Quinn & Flynn is currently sitting at 8 reviews! That's 8 more than I was expecting!

If you don't know what that means, Steam kneecaps discovery on any games below 10 reviews, meaning if we break that threshold Steam will actively start promoting Quinn & Flynn in algorithms and discovery queues. So, if two more of you enjoyed yourself and want to see more people play this game, please consider leaving a review. If you have already, I appreciate you dearly.

Happy reading.