1. Be My Horde
  2. News
  3. We have a small gift due to PAX East

We have a small gift due to PAX East

[h2]Hello, minions![/h2]

What a week we've had (and it's far from over for us)! For the past few days, we've been working hard to deliver the awaited DEMO UPDATE, and at the same time, we've been preparing for PAX East in Boston. And today's the day. We're thrilled to let you know that a new version of the demo is AVAILABLE NOW on Steam, and the mentioned event has just started.

So, if by any chance you're in Boston right now, make sure to visit us at the Games from Poland booth to have a chat with us and test the updated demo! But if you don't have the opportunity, don't worry; you can always reach us on our Discord server and play the demo no matter where you are (as long as you have your PC, laptop, or Steam Deck with you, of course). So, what have we added to the game?

[h2]NEW UNITS[/h2]

We present completely new characters you can recruit to your army of the undead. In the end - the more, the merrier, wouldn’t you agree? And each one of them is unique in their own way.

Priest is the first-ever HEALING UNIT in Be My Horde. By adding him to your horde, you provide your minions with longer life… we mean, unlife… They increase your warriors' afterlife existence, that's what we wanted to say! It's smart to get some of them as quickly as possible, so the next enemy waves won’t thin out your army too much.

Sheep is a rare unit, but it's really a special one. By resurrecting a sheep and adding it to your horde, you give yourself… a bomb. Because our sweet and wooly friend CAN'T attack the foes directly, but when it dies, it goes with a blast causing an explosion that can take the life of a few opponents. So, use this animal wisely!

[h2]NEW EVENTS[/h2]

Until now, you could play the demo for 10-11 minutes, with skilled players reaching maybe the 12-13 minute mark. Now, with new units, we've also added new events and rebalanced the demo in total, giving you the opportunity to survive even 14, 15… maybe 16 minutes! Much more is happening in the game, so even if you already had the opportunity to play the Be My Horde demo, be sure to give it one more shot.

Of course, even with the new additions, the demo is just a glimpse of what we're preparing for you. And we're not talking only about the next units or events. I'm talking about completely new features and abilities, so stay tuned for more info.

For now, we're going to keep an eye on our booth at PAX East and spread the cult of Moriana among unbelievers. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Praise be Moriana!
The Polished Games Team
