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  2. News
  3. Rogue Samurai Hotfix

Rogue Samurai Hotfix

Hey Samurais, we added some quick hotfixes based on your feedbacks.

-Fixed an issue causing grass not to render on the screen after adjusting camera height and width.
-Resolved an error causing distortion in the image when lowering the camera height to its minimum.
-Reduced the running speed of enemies.
-Fixed a problem causing visual settings not to be saved.
-Player attack range increased.
-Graphics can now be adjusted from the settings section.
-Increased the maximum number of enemies that can appear on the scene simultaneously.
-Enemy spawn rate increased.
-Enhanced the damage and health of low-level enemies.

Sharpen your blades and keep following us Samurais. We will add new contents and update the game regarding your feedback! Thanks for sharing this experience with us and stay healty 🙂