1. Cactus Cowboy - Desert Warfare
  2. News
  3. Small OpenXR Update

Small OpenXR Update

Due to the sheer amount of different controllers, it's quite hard for a solo developer to cover them all. Yet, I'm trying to keep up with what is out there.

The latest addition revolved around virtual desktops fantastic OpenXR implementation. Cactus VR Studios supports ambitious projects like this!

If you want to play Cactus Cowboy - Desert Warfare on PC wirelessly I highly recommend using VDXR for both Pico and Quest!

What works best?

Quest wired: Oculus XR!
Quest wireless: Virtual Desktop + VDXR (SteamVR not supported!)

Pico wired: Streaming Client
Pico wireless: Virtual Desktop + VDXR

And of course, thank you for supporting Cactus Cowboy! Updates with additional content is planned and will come as a free update to the game.