1. From Glory To Goo
  2. News
  3. Hotfix 0.1g - Fog line of sight improved, more options and some GUI touch up

Hotfix 0.1g - Fog line of sight improved, more options and some GUI touch up

Hey Everyone,

This update fixes unit vision dropping too much when close to mountains. Additionally, it adds some extra options that players have requested. I've also touched up the UI a bit. However, I consider the UI as a whole to be quite placeholder and am aiming to do a proper overhaul sometime during Early Access.

In addition to these hotfixes, I'm hoping to release a small content update at the end of April. It will add some more buildings to the human faction as well as make the unlock-able captains more interesting and impactful. I will also try to release a roadmap soon.

Hotfix 0.1g
  • Added an option to turn off the camera ambience noise
  • Added an option to keep cursor within your window on full screen
  • Fixed fog of war vision being blocked in all directions when standing close to mountains
  • Some changes to GUI icons and more consistent sizing
  • Warnings will now display the attacked entity
  • Fixed some bugs impacting beam cannon and gatling cannon usage
  • Fixed passives not always applying their effect on load
  • Changed patrol behavior so that units will return back through their patrol waypoints rather than looping through them (1->2->3->1->2) becomes (1->2->3->2->1)
  • Fixed unconnected buildings not handing back workers if demolished
  • Fixed a rare save game corruption
  • The unit counter will track more unit types

Let me know on Discord if you experience any more issues or if you have any suggestions.