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Cureocity News


各位《奇愈地下城》的冒险者们大家好~ 这里有一个令人兴奋的好消息:上线至今仅五天时间,我们的游戏在Steam上已经收获500+好评,达成“好评如潮”啦!

《奇愈地下城》作为一车面包人制作的第一款游戏,一款诞生于「BOOOM 暴造游戏创作挑战」的作品,能有这样的成绩,离不开大家的包容和支持,还有很多朋友热心地帮助我们宣传。在此也向所有玩家、以及帮助过我们的朋友表达深深的谢意!








作者::Fog in the clouds



Production Testimonials丨Sincere thanks for all the love and support ❤️

If you really like the content of "Cureocity" and want to further support a busload of bread people, welcome to our love power generation page, currently on the shelves of the Q version of the emoticon packs, setting sets, and other content, you can give the bread people a little bit of love and bread through the love of power generation, once again, I sincerely thank you for your support ~ (๑-̀ㅂ-́)و✧!

Day One Patch Notes

Dear Adventurers, We want to extend a heartfelt thank you for your support on the release day of our game! Now, let's address some of the questions you've been asking:

  • Bug fixes: We've been hard at work fixing several bugs, including issues with the bag cover, the full ending achievement not popping up, and some naming errors in the endings. If you're still encountering similar issues, please double-check that your Build ID is 13819091 and manually update the game files by verifying integrity.

  • Regarding ending determination: We understand that many of you are curious about how the endings are triggered and determined, as well as the conditions for triggering certain options. Currently, if you decide to replay Level 10 after completing the game and change your choices, the disposal option values (purification values) for all monsters from previous playthroughs will be reset (treated as if all monsters were attacked). Achieving the "recover" ending currently requires restarting the game, but please know that we're actively optimizing this process.

  • Other issues: We've also received feedback about issues like incorrect achievement pop-ups, failures to display achievements, and some level-related problems. Please rest assured that we're on it and will optimize these as quickly as possible.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for playing our game! If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to share them in the comments. We're here to listen and improve with your help!

Cureocity NOW OUT!

Hello to all you brave dungeon heroes, our healing style, the turn-based puzzle game "Cureocity" has officially launched today!

We are "Bread On Board", a collective of independent game developers spread across four countries, We initially met in the "BOOOM CHALLENGE" organized by GCORES. We worked tirelessly to complete the demo of this game, in only 21 days. We even won the "Most Popular Game" award, at that GameJam event.

The official version is now freely published by GCORES PUBLISHING, we hope to bring everyone a warm and heartening adventure!

Cureocity Release Stream Announcement

The game's release stream will be brought to you by three developers who serve as the scriptwriter and artists.

📅 22 March, 7am CET