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Until the Last Plane 1942 News

Two airplanes, one pilot.

Hello Pilots!

In this devblog, I’ll focus on one of the unique features that sets our game apart: the ability to control two aircraft simultaneously while in singleplayer mode.

Control System
One of the standout features of "Until the Last Plane 1942" is the control system that allows you to manage two planes at the same time. Here’s how it works:

  • Keyboard Control: If you’re playing with a keyboard, you’ll use a combination of keys to control each aircraft. For example, the WASD keys might control one plane, while the arrow keys control the other. This setup requires dexterity and coordination, offering a unique challenge that adds a layer of strategy to your missions.

  • Single Joypad Control: For those who prefer using a gamepad, you can control both planes with a single controller. You’ll use the left joystick to maneuver one plane and the right joystick to control the other. This setup offers a more intuitive and immersive experience, allowing for precise maneuvers and synchronized attacks.

Why Dual Control?
I wanted to create a gameplay experience that is both engaging and unique. Controlling two planes simultaneously adds depth to the strategy and requires players to think and react quickly. This feature encourages multitasking and strategic planning, as you’ll need to manage the position, speed, and attacks of both aircraft to succeed in your missions.

Stay tuned and get ready to take to the skies in "Until the Last Plane 1942."

Until next time, pilots!

Don't fight alone.

local co-op mode and also the Steam RemotePlay!

It is never good to face the enemy alone; it is better to have a teammate with whom to share burdens and honors. Even nicer if this buddy is your friend sitting next to you.

In Until the Last Plane 1942 you can both play local co-op on the same computer or even better with RemotePlay across the world!

Each player can choose whether to use the keyboard or the gamepad.

Don't have a gamepad at your friend's house? No problem, you can share the keyboard: the first player will use WASD, the second player Arrows Keys instead.

...Well yes, you guessed it: You can also play solo by controlling two planes with the keyboard. Will you dare?


How can you handle your wingmen?

Hi everybody!

Down below you'll find the first image of the Squadron Management System in Until the Last Plane 1942

As you can see there will be different skills for each wingman (on the left) and you need to compose your formation (on the right).

What build are you going to make? More HP for hard fighting? Or more bombs to strike the ground?

The hangar

Let's talk about the hangar...

It is not shown yet in the video and screenshots because it is under construction, but you can see a quick preview here:

Things to do at the hangar:

1. You can choose the altitude for the next run. There are different bonus / malus based on it.

2. Spend gained warbonds to repair / refill your plane.

3. Check out your skills / upgrades.
