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末日战姬 News

Activities Preview | 5.21-5.27 Open Activity Preview

[h2]5.21-5.27Open Activity Preview[/h2]
[h3]5.21 Open activities:[/h3]【 Daily recharge 】【 Guard the Fort 】
Interested commanders please drop down for details ~

[h2]【 Daily recharge 】[/h2]
Daily recharge activity is coming, during the activity, you can get the corresponding props rewards if recharge the specified amount every day, and can unlock the final prize after 5 consecutive days
Activity entry: Home → 活动→ 天天充值
Activity time: 2024.5.21 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activation condition: The server start time is > 37 days

[h2]【 Guard the Fort 】[/h2]
Activity entrance: Home →活动中心 →守卫堡垒
Activity time: 2024.5.21 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activation conditions: Server start time > 35 days; Commander role level ≥45
Activity Content:
▶ Combat Pass
Combat Passes can be purchased in the store, and different passes can unlock different levels of difficulty
▶Fight on the Front Lines
Use the pass to enter the area to open the music to fight, the base number of items dropped in the four different difficulty areas is different, and the higher the battle score, the more items dropped
▶ Integrating task
During the activity period, you can get a lot of task rewards for completing the corresponding tasks, and log in every day can get log-in rewards
▶ Medal Shop
Earn candy canes through battle, which can be used to redeem a large number of rare items at the exchange store: exclusive event avatar frames, exclusive boxes for rare girls, Senior imprint supply tickets, rainbow airdrop tickets and more
● Candy Cane: All levels are available and can be redeemed for a large number of rare items in the exchange shop
● Musical certificate: can be obtained in difficult and above levels, rating SSS or above, for redemption of exclusive avatar frame
[h3]❗ Description ❗ (the picture in the lower right corner of the activity) [/h3]
Blue (D key)
Red (K key)

[h2]【Monthly Sign-in】[/h2]
Activity entrance: Home →活动中心→ 月月签到
Activity start time:2024.5.21 04:00
Activation conditions: Server start time > 49 days;
Activity Description: The sign-in activity lasts for 40 days, you can log in every day to get a sign-in card, up to 300 sign-in cards,they can be redeemed for valuable rewards Use the sign-in card to redeem rare items, every 8 days the store will open [limited time half-price discount exchange]
And the value package is refreshed daily~

The above is the main content of the activity that will be launched soon later. The specific content is subject to the in-game launch. Have a nice game!
If you have any questions/suggestions, please contact our customer service, thank you for your support

[h3]■Customer service contact:[/h3]
Wechat: isysy9999
Line: kefux
Discord: mrzj520

Regularly update | 5.16

Regularly updates

[h2] Update time: 2024.5.16 15:00-16:00(UTC+8)
Update method: The server is expected to stop for about 1 hour
Update Compensation: Diamond *200[/h2]

In order to bring a better game experience to all commanders,
"Doomsday Warrior" is scheduled to be updated on 2024.4.25 15:00-16:00(UTC+8) .
During the update period, the commander will not be able to log in to the server for game, please make game arrangements in time to avoid unnecessary losses.
We will send diamond *200 compensation to the commanders who registered before maintenance by email after the end, thank you for your cooperation ~

Here are the highlights of this update:
  1. [Light and Dark Card Pool] Optimization:
    -Optimized card pool jumping, clicking any location can enter the card pool.
    -Optimized the default character card pool when entering the card pool for the first time.
    -Optimized the display of the card pool, after switching the wish list and draw once, then re-entering displays card pool of the corresponding character in the wish list.
  2. [Newbie guide] optimized, added the guidance of clicking the challenge button in the guidance of 1-4.
  3. [Battle] optimized description:
    -Pet: “Battle Attribute” has been changed to “Battle Talent”.
    -Resonance weapon: “Effect” changed to “Talent”.
    -Skills: Icon “必” changed to “技”.

[h3] ▶BUG FIX: [/h3]
  1. Fixed [When only 1 girl on the battlefield, all pet attributes will be added to the same girl] issue.
  2. Fixed [Resurrected girl will take the same damage again] issue.
  3. Fixed [Sharon's girl model is not displayed when she wears the Fragrant Red Rhythm skin] issue.
  4. Fixed [Race Battle changed after server restart in some cases] issue.
  5. Fixed [Light and Dark Races' tabs are not displayed in the support list screen of Cube World] issue.
  6. Fixed [Inaccurate description of the reward distribution time for the Light and Dark Encounters gameplay description leaderboard] issue.
  7. Fixed[Alicia's skin has some typos].

If there is an early/late service, we will inform the commanders through Steam Discussion Forum. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the update.
If you have an abnormal situation after the update, please contact customer service for feedback, we will be the first time for you to deal with,
Thank you for your love and attention, wish you a happy game ~

Customer service contact:
wechat: isysy9999
Line: kefux
Discord: mrzj520

Activities Preview | 5.14~5.20 Open Activity Preview

[h2]5.14~5.20 Open Activity Preview[/h2]
[h3]5.14 Open activities:[/h3]
【Follow Relentlessly】【Fire Support · Extraordinary imprint】【 Limited time offer 】【Multi-day Cumulative Recharge】【 Emergency Supplies 】
[h3]5.14 Open activities:[/h3]
Interested commanders please drop down for details ~

[h2]【Follow Relentlessly 】[/h2]
[h3]❀All Server Limited-time Gift Code❀[/h3]
【影】Usage time: 2024.5.12~2024.5.28
Please remember to use it in time
[h3]【Limited time Reinforcement】 Follow Relentlessly [/h3]

Activity entry: Home →空投增援 → 如影随形
Activity time:2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activity opening conditions: 【 First encounter girl 】 Card pool will be unlocked after 100 reinforcement times; Server start time > 7 days;
Activity introduction:
1) UP Girl: Evolved - Saber·Umbra
2) Rare legend girl output probability is: 3.00%, 50.00% probability is UP girl;
3) The card items are: Rainbow airdrop ticket (can be purchased through the rainbow shop or redeemed directly by diamonds)

[h3]【Airdrop Recovery】 [/h3]
Activity entry: Home → 空投增援 → Lower left corner of limited time card pool
Activity time: 2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activity opening conditions: 【 First encounter girl 】 Card pool will be unlocked after 100 reinforcement times; Server Server start time > 7 days;
Activity introduction:
1) Participate in the limited time UP or encore UP card pool during the activity, reach the specified number of card draws, you can receive task rewards
2) Mission rewards include "Rainbow Airdrop ticket", "Saber·Umbra", "Rare Core Manufacturing ticket", and materials of the heart…

[h3]【Core card pool】 Sound of opening [/h3]
Activity entry: Home → 空投增援 → 核心补给 → 开幕的跫音
Activity opening conditions: 【 First encounter girl 】 Card pool will be unlocked after 100 reinforcement times; Server start time > 7 days;
Activity time:2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activity introduction:
1. Card pool UP core: Saber·Umbra - Nameless Black Blade, Pluto - Dawn Judgment, Louise - Inferno Heavy Bike, Cheryl - Rosy Seal Sword, Nymphe - Iron Dominator
2) Rare Legend core output probability: 4.7%, 70.2% probability is UP core
3) Draw card props: Rare exclusive Core Manufacturing ticket (can be purchased through Rainbow Shop)

[h3]【star level reward】[/h3]
Activity entrance: Home →活动中心 → 星之所在
Activity time: 2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activation conditions: Server start time > 7 days;
Activity description: During the activity, Saber·Umbra awakening to the designated star can receive the corresponding gifts
[h3]【Girl Trial】[/h3]
Activity entrance: Home → 活动中心 → 少女试炼
Activity time:2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activation conditions: Server start time > 7 days;
Activity introduction:
1)The activity is divided into two parts: characters use trials and fantasy trials
2) Characters use trial level players will use Saber·Umbra to experience her own unique backstory, through the battle will obtain a certain number of pieces of Saber·Umbra
3) The fantasy trial level will face challenges of certain difficulty, and you will get rich rewards after completing the level
[h3]【 Theme Modeling Room 】[/h3]
Activity entrance: Home → 活动中心 → 剑之天王
Activity time: 2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activation conditions: Server start time > 7 days;
Activity description: During the activity, the store has a limited time discount selling 【Saber·Umbra - The King of Swords】 skin, don't miss it if you want

[h3]【Cumulative consume of diamonds】[/h3]
Activity entry: Home → 活动→钻石累消
Activity time: 2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activation conditions: Server start time > 7 days;
Activity description: During the activity, the commander can consume a specified number of diamonds to obtain up to 60 pieces of Saber·Umbra , combined with the reward output of the girl trial, the commander will easily obtain a Saber·Umbra
[h3]【 Rainbow Shop 】[/h3]
Activity entrance: Home → 商店 → 彩虹商店
Activity time:2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.27 23:59(UTC+8)
Activity introduction:
1) Daily free rainbow airdrop ticket *1, Rare exclusive core manufacturing ticket *1
2) Rainbow airdrop tickets and rare exclusive core Manufacturing tickets are on sale for a limited time
[h2] 【Fire Support · Extraordinary imprint】 [/h2]
Activity entry: Home → 空投增援 → 印记补给;
Activity time:2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8);
Activation conditions: Commander role level ≥38; Server startup time > 7 days;
Activity introduction:
1.The card pool Wishing imprint:噬魄印记、强忍印记and钢盾印记;
2. The output probability of extraordinary imprint is 0.1%, and the probability of 50.00% is UP imprint;
3. Draw card porps are Senior imprint supply tickets;
4. Minimum guarantee times: 60 times.

[h2]【 Limited time offer 】[/h2]
The limited-time offer store will open soon, during the Activity, "Senior imprint supply tickets" will be sold for a limited time!
Activity entry: Home → 活动 → 限时特惠
Activity time: 2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Active condition: The server start time is > 37 days
[h2]【Multi-day Cumulative Recharge】[/h2]
Dear Commander, the accumulative recharge is coming soon. If the accumulative recharge reaches the specified amount during the activity, the corresponding props will be rewarded ~
Activity entry: Home → 活动 → 多日累充
Activity time: 2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)
Activation conditions: Server start time > 7 days;
[h2]【 Emergency Supplies 】[/h2]
Log in continuously to receive gifts, and you can get corresponding props after reaching the specified number of days.
Activate Deluxe Edition with extra rare items waiting for you ~
Activity entry: Home → Activity Center → Emergency supplies
Activation conditions: Server opening time > 7 days; Commander role level ≥30
Event time:2024.5.14 04:00~2024.5.28 03:59(UTC+8)

[h2] 【Photo Wall】[/h2]
Activity entrance: Home →Activity center活动中心→ Photo Wall 照片墙
Activity time: 2024.5.15 04:00~2024.5.20 03:59(UTC+8)
Activation conditions: Server start time > 17 days
Activity content: A total of 10 drawing times, each cost different diamonds for the draw, a total of 5450 diamonds,
The 8th time and after will have the probability of drawing the final prize in advance
The final prize is 【Leyna - The cheers of the sea】 Skin, wish you good luck~

The above is the main content of the activity that will be launched soon later. The specific content is subject to the in-game launch. Have a nice game!
If you have any questions/suggestions, please contact our customer service, thank you for your support

[h3]■Customer service contact:[/h3]
Wechat: isysy9999
Line: kefux
Discord: mrzj520

0510 | Lunia,HAPPY BIRTHDAY!🎂

[h3] Today is the birthday of the Saint girl, Lunia,
"Brother Commander, I can have a big cake today, right?"

Lunia brought a thankul email, along with a little gift,
Commander please remember to log in to the game in time to get ! ❤️


Regularly update |5.9

Regularly updates

[h2] Update time: 2024.5.9 15:00-16:00 (UTC+8)
Update method: The server is expected to stop for about 30 mins
Update Compensation: Diamond *200[/h2]

In order to bring a better game experience to all commanders,
"Doomsday Warrior" is scheduled to be updated on 2024.5.9 15:00-16:00 .
During the update period, the commander will not be able to log in to the server for game, please make game arrangements in time to avoid unnecessary losses.
We will send diamond *200 compensation to the commanders who registered before maintenance by email after the end, thank you for your cooperation ~

Here are the highlights of this update:
Due to time constraints and lack of time for translation, this announcement is published in Chinese,thanks for understanding!
[h3]▶Update: [/h3]
  1. 优化了VIP特权界面展示重叠的部分
  2. 优化了少女降临活动显示不全的问题
  3. 降低了少女试炼-幻境试炼的难度
  4. 部分技能叫法统一
    战斗技能 修改为 战斗招式
    觉醒技能 修改为 觉醒天赋
    必杀技 修改为 技能

[h3]▶BUG Fix: [/h3]
  1. 修复了【部分专武获得途径不正确】的问题
  2. 修复了【超凡鸣武标签显示为稀有】的问题
  3. 修复了【光暗卡池切换后,奖励预览的内容没有对应刷新】的问题
  4. 修复了【直播间切换页面后,排行榜显示人数会大于50】的问题
  5. 修复了【部分情况下宠物活动登录任务无法完成】的问题
  6. 修复了【盾卫印记未提升埃癸斯之盾减伤】的问题
  7. 修复了【白桃桃星火不传递】的问题
  8. 修复了【部分情况下退出重进 光暗卡池心愿单会变化】的问题
  9. 修复了【从新人两百抽里进入任务特典会有界面显示异常】的问题
  10. 修复了【繁体版本穿透勋章描述显示不正确】的问题

If there is an early/late service, we will inform the commanders through Steam Discussion Forum. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the update.
If you have an abnormal situation after the update, please contact customer service for feedback, we will be the first time for you to deal with,
Thank you for your love and attention, wish you a happy game ~

Customer service contact:
wechat: isysy9999
Line: kefux
Discord: mrzj520