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  2. News
  3. Official Publisher Announcement!

Official Publisher Announcement!

I have some great news to share today -

[h3]Clicker Arena is officially joining forces with Freedom Games![/h3]

For those of you who may not know, having a game publisher like Freedom Games greatly helps indie devs like myself focus on game development while they handle all the behind-the-scenes magic. From helping manage store pages to crafting marketing campaigns and even helping the game shine at both digital and live events, publishers help in all the aspects that indie developers often struggle with.

As a solo developer with a demanding career and a young family, Freedom Games lets me do what I love: making games. I knew I had something special in Clicker Arena, but in today’s indie scene having a good game alone is not enough. After spending 3 years designing, building, and tuning Clicker Arena into a fun and unique experience, I couldn’t surmount the last challenge - getting the word out to players - by myself.

Freedom Games discovered Clicker Arena from obscurity. They played the game, thought it was great fun, and reached out. At that point I had already been approached by 3 other publishers, but I never felt comfortable enough with any of them to move forward. However, after meeting Freedom Games’ co-founder, I knew they were the right publisher for me. Having now worked with the team at Freedom Games as we prepare for launch, my confidence in them has only grown. I’m very grateful for the opportunity, without which hardly anyone would ever know about my game.
