1. Jailbreaker
  2. News
  3. Version 1.5: Finale Rework + Bug Fixes + The End?

Version 1.5: Finale Rework + Bug Fixes + The End?

Hello everyone! It's been a little over a month after the previous update. I took a small break from working on the game and decided to come back to it with a fresh mind. Anyhow, this update is pretty big and has loads of nice changes that I wanted to bring for a while. Moreover, this might be the final update for the game as well. Please read about it below.

[h2]Finale Rework[/h2]

As you all know, I wanted to remake the Finale from the ground up again as the previous version of the Finale had RNG issues which ended up being very unfair, skewing the leaderboards, and simply not fitting the game's core themes in general. After several iterations and playtesting, I've come up with a much better Finale that fits the game far better than the previous version.

This new version is essentially a longer level that tests your abilities with all the mechanics in the game as a pong ball! I have also decided to go back to the roots of the game and make this section fully one-button as well. Now, the game doesn't suddenly change to a top-down, bullet hell game, and instead remains true to its one-button, tough-as-nails platformer aspect. I can now say that the game is truly a one-button platformer game.

[h2]Gameplay Changes[/h2]
  • The Following levels have been readjusted:
    • A-2
    • A-4
    • A-6
    • A-7
    • A-8
    • A-10
    • A-11
    • A-13
    • A-15
    • A-16
    • A-20
    • B-4
    • B-9
    • B-10
    • B-12
    • B-20
    • C-1
    • C-4
    • C-7
    • C-9
    • C-20
  • Tweaked the sliding (for the LAST time)
  • Slightly reduced the Bomb's detection range (Should make levels like C-20 a bit easier)
  • Slightly increased float speed in Bubbles
  • Slightly reduced the fall speed while in Bird state

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed an issue where the Mouse enemy would stop moving when the player restarted a level
  • Fixed a bug where the game would remain paused after un-pausing the game and holding down the "Resume" button
  • The game is no longer pausable during the Finale cutscene.
  • Made small changes to the Tilemap system which should help optimize the game a little bit more
  • Fixed an issue where certain objects were unaffected by the player pausing the game

[h2]The End?[/h2]

I have been thinking about JAILBREAKER for a while, and although my previous idea was to add more and more content to the game as it went, I don't think that is needed anymore. The game is already challenging enough that adding more probably wasn't necessary. Additionally, the game isn't financially viable for me to justify adding even more content to the game. Therefore, I decided to make this big update that changes the current issues with the game. Most of these changes are minute and you probably won't notice it like changes to the physics engine. The most notable change of course is the Finale rework which I highly recommend checking out and giving feedback on!

JAILBREAKER was a short game I made within 10 months as a challenge to make a commercial game within 1 year. Although the game isn't as impressive as other alternatives on Steam, I'm still very happy with how it turned out. I didn't expect my "pixel platformer" game to sell this well, as it is a genre that normally doesn't really succeed very consistently. Mind you, the numbers aren't super impressive but I'm still happy with the amount of people who tried the game out. A special thanks to everyone who supported the game and gave JAILBREAKER a chance. It was a very eye-opening experience :>

Regardless, it's time for me to move onto other projects. I think JAILBREAKER is perfectly fine as it is now. I'll still be around if the game has bugs that need to be ironed out, but there will most likely never be anymore gameplay changes brought to the game from here on out. I have lots other ideas in my mind, though I'm not sure which to work on first. Who knows. We'll see.

If you like my projects, you can join my Discord server as I'm quite active there. You can also follow me on Twitter as well. I post about my upcoming project on Twitter very often.

I suppose that is the end. Thanks for playing! If you still haven't tried out JAILBREAKER, now is the best time! JAILBREAKER is a punishing, one-button platformer about escaping prison. Test your skills and intellect as you ascend a tower of hand-crafted challenges. Jump, fly, slide up walls, float in bubbles and perform somersaults; all with the press of a single button. Reach the paramount. Reach.
