1. Rusty's Retirement
  2. News
  3. Build 1.0.6

Build 1.0.6

Hey folks,

More fixes and improvements are on their way!

  • Feeder bots will look at your inventory and choose between the 3 lowest crops available. This should help push out low-level crops from your inventory, and that way biofuel bots are more likely to use better crops. Biofuel bots choose at random to evenly distribute crops.
  • Added an extra check for the Play for 1hr/24hr/48hr achievement.
  • Moving a house, saving, and then reloading would lock their respective features. Now when moving a house, it should keep the features you’ve unlocked.
  • Fixed random individual crops from never getting watered! Thank you ArtificialColors for finding out how to reproduce this one because I had been scratching my head all weekend.
  • If you moved a bot, the game would think that you demolished it and as a result, their upgrade cost would be reduced (which is expected behavior for demolishing, just not for moving). Now, moving a bot doesn’t affect the upgrade price.
  • Updated “How does Splunk work?” Help description.
  • You can now use the middle mouse button to drag the camera around while moving or building without it triggering the placement.
  • Pressing “R” should resize the game to your monitor. I have also added an alternative shortcut “T” which does the same thing but this code checks other monitor parameters. If the game is locked into some weird resolution, please try using these two shortcuts.
  • Biofuel converters should now complete regardless of their visual indicator, hopefully, this will stop biofuel converters from getting stuck.
  • Slate will now dig more fossils!

Lastly, I would like to highlight a known issue with high-resolution monitors, for some unknown reason, when using a hi-res monitor the game uses a lot of resources. For now, please try playing around with the graphics settings by lowering the frame rate and setting on-demand rendering to 3 - a few people have reported that this helps.

Tomorrow I am meeting with some tech-savvy developer friends to have a closer look into the issue!

Thank you for your patience in the meantime!