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  2. News
  3. Build 1.0.7

Build 1.0.7

This one is only a short one because I’ve mainly spent the day investigating the hi-res / high refresh rate monitor issue with some developer friends (more on that below).

  • Fixed: Some houses were unmoveable because sometimes another collider would block the ability to click and select the house. Now no colliders are blocking this action so it should work as intended.
  • Fixed: You can no longer upgrade a building that is still being built which would cause Echo to get stuck.
  • Fixed: Steam cloud saves for Mac.
  • Not entirely sure about this one because I couldn’t replicate it on my end but people have reported that connecting to Twitch could be creating an infinite loop in the code. I’ve added a 5-second buffer between connecting and checking whether the game is still connected to Twitch. It’s a bit of a shot in the dark but hopefully it’ll keep the game from crashing.
  • Added: Crop/building information panels now move to the right when setting the vertical farm to the left side of the screen. Zooming is still a bit wonky but I hope this helps in the meantime!

Regarding performance issues on hi-res monitors, we’ve spent the entire day testing and looking into different potential causes, and we’ve narrowed it down to two or three things that look promising. This week we will continue with testing and we will try to get it fixed!

It seems like the issue is easily replicated on high refresh rate monitors (i.e. 144hz), so I would appreciate it if you could send me your specs here in the thread so that we can identify a common pattern. For now, some people have reported that lowering the frame rate and setting the on-demand rendering to 3 helps.

Thank you so much! :orange_heart: