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  3. Spirit Guardians - Open Playtest

Spirit Guardians - Open Playtest

Spirit Guardians is a pixel-art, roguelike game that blends elements of role-playing, strategy, tower defense, real-time strategy, and shooting. Farming gears, upgrading skills, unlocking new talents…the game offers a continuous journey of empowerment, challenging relentless foes to protect the peace of the Spirit Realm!

The Playtest for Spirit Guardians has now begun! Click on 'Request Access' under 'Playtest' on the Steam page to join the test. If you have any problems / BUG report/ gameplay suggestions, please feel free to leave them on our Discord.

The testing phase is expected to last until January 28th. As the game is still in the early testing stages, subsequent game version updates may render save files unusable, please be aware of this.