1. Always Sometimes Monsters
  2. News
  3. ASM Update Prepares for Sequel's Release

ASM Update Prepares for Sequel's Release

Hey folks,
Today we're pushing out an update to Always Sometimes Monsters that prepares some backend stuff for its connectivity and save file imports to the sequel that releases tomorrow morning.


We've made it possible for you to bring your save files into the new game, as well as added some fun content in the end-game house for those of you who've already finished. Just take a look in the secret server room in the shed to see what "The Devs" have been up to.

It's been a long time coming, but we're so happy to share this new update with you and to finally have you all ready to jump into Sometimes Always Monsters for the first time with your original ASM continuity. If you need more detailed instructions, you can check out the blog post we made on the topic.

If you haven't gotten a look at the new game yet, take a look at the trailer:

Naturally, we'll be watching the forums for feedback on the update. If you have any questions or issues, that's a great place to drop a line and let us know.

Thanks to all your patient waiting for this update and release, we hope you enjoy!

- Vagabond Dog