1. Artifact Seeker:Prologue
  2. News
  3. Play the prologue while you wait for the official version!

Play the prologue while you wait for the official version!

[h2]Play the prologue while you wait for the official version! [/h2]

Thanks to all the players of who have been supporting our game!

The prologue, demo, full version will share the same progress, so no need to worry lossing your progress.

Demo will unlock a new character - Stella, Stella is an elven ranger, proficient in arrows, traps, poisons.

Everyone is welcome to have a try. If you find any bugs or negative experiences in the demo, please leave a message, we will fix the problem ASAP.


PS: The wishlist is really very important for indie game on steam. If you haven’t wishlisted “Artifact Seeker” before, please do so. This is really, really important to us. Thank you all.