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Crea News

Designing Dungeons - A look at update v1.6


After Housewarming Update (v1.5) came out last year I decided to turn my attention to the dungeon system. Before taking some time off from development I laid out the dungeon design changes I wanted to make. As usual, I decided on the most ambitious ideas I could imagine which has resulted in the dungeon system being rebuilt from the ground up. In this post I want to share why I think the dungeon system needed to change and what these changes will look like.

Revisiting Dungeons

After turning my attention to dungeons it quickly became obvious that the biggest decision I had to make was if I should attempt to salvage it or completely scrap it. I heavily considered taking the salvaging route but a major factor was that another programmer had implemented it entirely. This meant I had to first learn the existing code before I could make substantial changes. Additionally, dungeons were riddled with both design and mechanical issues that I wanted to overcome.

What are these issues even? Dungeons are currently huge sprawling areas with interweaving hallways and massive rooms. This sounds great but in practice it lead to players running aimlessly hoping to stumble upon the exit. Exploring was uninteresting and monsters could often be entirely ignored - unless the exit objective required you to kill them in which case good luck tracking them all down. Needless to say the progression was empty and culminated into absolutely nothing when the end presented you with no boss or any sort of climax - dungeons fizzled. These are fundamental issues which necessitated fundamental changes. Mechanical issues also plauged dungeons with the most popular being hallways being blocked by rooms preventing progress.

Looking at these issues I worked to shape the dungeon design into something more coherent. First, dungeons should focus on survival and not exploration. The main world is where the exploration should happen. To reinforce this focus on survival it made sense to narrow exploration into something much more linear. Additionally, it is crucial that dungeons build to a climax to make completing dungeons feel both challenging and satisfying. So how does this all translate into a new system?

Dungeon Redesign

Dungeons will continue to be broken up into multiple floors (realms/maps). Each floor is segmented into a "sector" which will have its own objective. Progression through sectors will be linear and completing the sector objective is necessary in order to advance to the next sector. Difficulty will ramp up slowly as you progress through sectors and floors. Upon reaching the last sector of the entire dungeon you will encounter a worthy boss. Upon victory you will be rewarded with a juicy treasure chest.

Sectors have become the pivotal component in dungeons and they are receiving much attention. Sector objectives will range from "kill all monsters" to "flipping a switch in a room guarded by monsters to power a treasure chest in another room that has the sector key in it". Objectives will have lots of variety and there can be a supporting objective to add even more. You will never know what to expect in the next sector.

Focusing on survival, there are many threats within dungeons the player will face. Hazards such as lava pools, poisonous plants and spikes will be despersed throughout. Players will encounter many traps as well such as flamethrowers, dart shooters, bomb launchers and monster alerts. Even monsters are going to prove more challenging as they will patrol their area and will link with other monsters if you're not careful. Don't be a Leeroy Jenkins and rush into rooms!


Now that you know more about the changes to dungeons I hope you're as excited as I am about them. Dungeons wont be the only changes coming to the v1.6 update. You can look forward to new items, bug fixes and even a "secret" new feature. Unfortunately major changes like these take time and I still have much to do. I have made great progress on dungeons and hope to have an early beta version released in the next few weeks. If you would like to follow development more closely then you are more than welcomed to follow the Siege Games Twitch channel with the schedule below. I have also been attempting to revive the Crea Discord Server and you should join! Thank you again for everyone's continued support.

Stream Schedule
Weekdays: 7AM to 2PM Pacific Time
Weekends: 12PM to 4PM Pacific Time

May Development Update

Wow! It is already May! I hope everyone is having a good year so far! Apologies for having such a long period between announcements. I have intended to post something for over two months but am only now managing to force myself to do so. In this post I want to give an update on Crea and as well as details on why this current Crea update is still in development.

Crea Development

Just to get it out there: yes, the Crea 1.6 update is still being worked on. I am still figuring out exactly what it will have and when it will be released. I will tease that a big new feature has been completed for it which will delight those who like to build. There are many other things I would love to do in 1.6 so I ask for your patience for a bit longer. It is also worth noting that I am once again the sole developer on Crea. The artist, Jonatan, did great work for Crea but after wetting his appetite for indie gamedev he wanted to work on his own projects for awhile. I hope to work with him again in the future!

Development Delays

So why is this update taking so long? Well, to be honest, it is because I have hardly worked on it. I started last year working as hard as I could go and kept at it for a solid 7 months working incredibly hard. Kelley (former Crea artist and wife) and I decided to travel to Stockholm for 6 weeks (August-September) with our daughter. Here is a picture of us taking a day trip to Skansen, an open-air museum.

Afterwards we decided to move back to California and once there I found myself in a not so great place. In the past I have kept up the facade that everything is great even when they're not. I decided to stop that and instead share the struggles in hopes that it may help others and maybe in the future it will help me too.

After the 5+ years of working on Crea I was extremely burned out. I had suffered from minor burnout during development but nothing close to this. My desire to do any game development entirely dissipated. With my productivity gone I felt aimless and empty which resulted in me becoming depressed. Occasionally, I would struggle in an attempt to be productive but my motivation was at an all time low and my attempts where fruitless. I retreated into an old MMO with my brothers which lasted until the end of February when my brothers' grew bored of the game. At that point I was forced out of my routine and fortunately I discovered my motivation was renewed and productivity slowly returned. This is certainly not the best way to handle this situation but I think talking about it is a good step in the right direction.

Since the end of February I have been very busy with Crea and several side projects. For awhile I was juggling them and then I decided to finish these side projects first. That way they can be completed finally and I would be able to focus 100% on Crea once more. Another week or two and I should be back on Crea fulltime.


One of these projects is Hexachain, a mobile zen puzzle game about connecting hexes together and then destroying the hex chain. I started this project a few years ago with a friend and we have really wanted to finish it. It is now in beta testing and if you are interested you can sign up with the link associated to your device OS:

Android: https://rink.hockeyapp.net/recruit/33fdb08c98aa47188f4adf20d1117f31
iOS: https://rink.hockeyapp.net/recruit/609d47a79dec40b7b0f66759c071fd9a


Another project I have been working on for awhile now is becoming a homeowner. We decided to buy a new construction home which we have been working on getting since coming back from Sweden. It is finally nearing completion and we should be moved in by the end of May. Here is a sneak peak at the future home of Siege Games!


Thank you everyone for your amazing support and patience. The last half year has been tough for me but things are looking up and I'm exited for the second half of this year!

Update v1.6 News

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well! I wanted to give everyone an update on the progress for the next big update (1.6). While it is developing nicely; it still needs awhile longer in the oven to fully bake. So what is planned for the 1.6 update?

Currently in beta, I am bringing much better unicode support to Crea and making it vastly easier to translate with the Localizer tool. This will hopefully lead to more languages added to Crea soon!

The main course for the update is enhanced dungeons. "Lackluster" and "anticlimactic" would be good words to describe the current dungeon system.
The dungeon modifiers and objectives will be balanced and expanded upon. Other aspects such as treasure will be rebalanced and most importantly bosses will be added to the end of dungeons.

Thank you for your continued support! Happy holidays!

Update v1.6 News

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well! I wanted to give everyone an update on the progress for the next big update (1.6). While it is developing nicely; it still needs awhile longer in the oven to fully bake. So what is planned for the 1.6 update?

Currently in beta, I am bringing much better unicode support to Crea and making it vastly easier to translate with the Localizer tool. This will hopefully lead to more languages added to Crea soon!

The main course for the update is enhanced dungeons. "Lackluster" and "anticlimactic" would be good words to describe the current dungeon system.
The dungeon modifiers and objectives will be balanced and expanded upon. Other aspects such as treasure will be rebalanced and most importantly bosses will be added to the end of dungeons.

Thank you for your continued support! Happy holidays!

Patch, Pricing and Progress

Hello everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update on a few things.

1.5.5 Patch

I just released a small patch that fixes a few issues around using mods.

  • Resolved issue with activating a mod for an existing world without first selecting it which resulted in putting the world content information into a bad state that causes it to crash on load
  • Fixed issue with some mods using old craft categories
  • Attempt to resolve Xbox One controllers misbehaving

Pricing Availability
Several countries had their pricing updated by Steam and this caused Crea to become unavailable int hose countries. I have submitted new prices and am awaiting Steam's approval. I unfortunately do not know when this will happen but keep checking back. Steam updated the pricing!

Update Progress

The next update is in progress and while I'll hold off on exact details I will tease that friend's of the dungeoneer will be pleased! I am hoping to get this update out before Christmas.