1. Imagine Earth
  2. News
  3. Imagine Earth is now available on macOS

Imagine Earth is now available on macOS

[h3]That's basically it.[/h3]

The headline says it all. After Imagine Earth came into Early Access 2014 it’s now today finally available for Mac players. We hope it runs without any unwanted surprises, please try it and let us know what you experience.

Maybe we have some funny record in game development in terms of time spending again ;D.. Of course I wanted to write an epic history for this special moment about the weirdly long development odyssey but to be honest it's far from over…

[h3]Not only is there a DLC..[/h3]

ready to be released as far as the game is on all platforms. Also tomorrow Imagine Earth will be landing on Switch and Playstation!
[h3]Please have a look at the brand new game trailer on the store page![/h3]
Well ...it's still uploading but i don't have time for that. I'll fire out the news right now ;)

[h3]Also check out the cool new cover art[/h3] we made for our climate crisis city builder survival thriller!
Have good rest of the day! Where ever you are on this little planet.

Jens & Martin