1. BoneTown
  2. News
  3. BoneTown Releases Updated Engine

BoneTown Releases Updated Engine

You guys asked for the game to run faster on your computers, and we listened.

We've been working hard to make major changes to the core of our engine and integrate much newer technology. What this means for you is an improved framerate, better graphics, faster loading times, Steam Deck support, and all around better compatibility with more systems.

You don't have to do anything to get the updated engine--it should happen automatically when you log into Steam. All of your save games still work. The only thing that could be a problem is if you have Steam Workshop Mods installed. If you do, we suggest you delete all of the contents of the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\BoneTown\workshop folder before running the game.

This update will also help BoneTown continue on into the future, which is especially important since something new and big is coming--the Fetish DLC. Get ready for tons of new sex, 20+ new levels to enjoy it in, and lots more of the crazy BoneTown antics you know and love.