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  2. News
  3. Why are there Five Kink DLCs?

Why are there Five Kink DLCs?

When we started working on the Kinks DLC, we heard a couple of things over and over. The first was FUCK YEAH! But the second was concern from people who loved certain parts of the new content, but weren't into other parts. Some players were afraid that they were going to have to pay for and play sexual content they weren't interested in to access the content they did want.

Because of this feedback, we made the decision that no one playing BoneTown will have to play any kinks they're not interested in. The full Kinks DLC will include all the new sex content-- but each player can access as much or as little of it as they wish. This means that if you're only into the new gay content, you don't even have to look at the new straight stuff. If you don't want the gay content, just don't go into the gay bar and you won't see it. If BDSM is not your thing, you can easily avoid it and play the rest.

But then we went one step further. If you know for sure you only want certain content, we have split the full Kinks DLC into four smaller Kinks DLCs. These four smaller Kinks DLCs each contain only the content for that kink.

The four smaller Kinks DLCs are:

So, if you get the Straight Kinks DLC, you won’t even be able to go inside the gay bar to access the gay sex. It will be the same with the other three smaller Kinks DLCs -- they will only include the content for that specific kink. You can buy any or all of the individual Kinks DLCs. (But if you think you might want access to them all, buying the package is 25% cheaper than buying the four separately.)

For more info on what each Kinks DLC contains, below are links to their pages where we lay out everything that is included:

· FULL Kinks DLC (including all four of the individual kinks)
· Straight Kinks DLC
· Gay Kinks DLC
· Lesbian Kinks DLC
· BDSM Kinks DLC

We hope this puts your mind at ease if you had any concerns about the Kinks DLC. And make sure to circle June 3rd on your calendar, because all five of the Kinks DLCs will be out in the world for you to enjoy.