1. BoneTown
  2. News
  3. The Kinks DLC has a Release Date!

The Kinks DLC has a Release Date!

When we set out to add every sexual inclination not present in the original game, we knew it wasn’t going to be easy. And our eyes may have been a little bigger than our mouse-pads, but we finally did it. There is a date to look forward to:

June 3rd 2024

With the development done and just a few bugs left to clean up, expect to hear more from us about the Kinks DLC in the lead up to its release. We could tell you more about it right now, but it’d just be easier to head over to the new Kinks DLC Steam page and read all about it there.

[center][h3]BoneTown Kinks DLC Steam Page[/h3][/center]