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FlyKnight News

Loot changes patch 1.0.2d

Fixed the Sunlit Hoops which was affecting only the host and only when killing certain enemy types

Changes to ways of obtaining the following items that previously could only be obtained by 1 of the players in the game dropped from a crate:

  • The Lavender Ring has been moved to a chest
  • The mighty Leek has been added to the Flytrap's drop pool
  • Parrying Shield and Estoc have been put together in a chest
  • Mystical Twig bow has been added to the Antman Archer's drop pool
  • Ring of Leaves has been added to the BarnaclePlant's drop pool
  • The Ring of the Sniper has been moved to a chest
  • The Swarm spell has been moved to a chest

Antman Archer now drops less arrows

Fixed a bug where the second boss would only update its healthbar to the Host

Ring of leaves now only affects the pushes from kicks made by the character wearing it, as stated in its description (sorry speedrunners)
Same deal with Ring of Bricks
Ring of leaves has been buffed to increase the pushback from 200% to 250% (speedrunners rejoice!)

Changed the collision of the dummy asset which was yeeting players to the stratosphere occasionally

Patch 1.0.2c

Fixed a bug that was allowing players to hit the Create character button several times, causing shenanigans

Altered the entrance of the second boss arena to allow players to go back to the bonfire after defeating it

Added missing text to the second boss' death bark

Changed check icon in menus

Added Mesh AO setting, deactivating this setting mostly makes the game uglier at no change in performance but could help players that are getting crashes due to old or weird GPUs

Adjusted how the player takes damage to avoid receiving a lot of unintended hits in a short amount of time

Multiplayer damage scaling now does not factor in hits received by other players

Fixed an issue where under certain circunstances the camera would rotate sideways

Fixed one of Lunamoth's attacks was doing no damage (??????)

Changed the cave entrance geometry to express that the FlyKnight will not get back out anytime soon

The Future of FlyKnight

First of all I want to thank everyone who gave this lil indie game a chance, the response has been beyond overwhelming and words cannot describe how excited and scared I am about everything that's happening, from the bottom of my heart: Thank you.

A lot of you are asking about future plans, DLC, playable modes, extra content and whatnot, the game is short and you want more, I get it, well, I'm sad to announce that... we'll make a sequel! Someday, we're not going to start on it right now we have other plans that need taking care of and another little game in the making, plus I need to patch FlyKnight big time, it came out half cooked and it deserves better.

But that doesn't mean that FlyKnight is done, we have said this several times but I'll repeat it: ng+ and a randomiser mode are coming.
NG+ won't just be another run of the game with stronger enemies. Level design will be different with changed enemy placement, new enemy types and a few other surprises, and, if you're really hardcore you'll be able to jump into it without completing the base game so you'll start it in your undies.
And the Randomiser mode will have settings for enemies, items and certain difficulty levels, I know it's not the full fledged roguelike kind of game that a lot of you are clamoring for, but it's going to be cool I bet.
You can also expect other good stuff like localisation to many languages, more settings and accessibility options and perhaps even ports to other consoles and stores, after fixing all those bugs.

For the sequel, which is hypothetical right now, you can expect a longer and much more complex game. Fans of Kings Field 4 can probably already visualize it: with several ways to level up and upgrade your Fly, interconnected metroidvania-like level design, many new characters (friendly and not) and a much bigger glimpse into the lore of this world. All of this, of course, will take much more than an afternoon to beat, and you'll be able to bring your pals along, that's a given.

These news are probably not what many of you would like to hear but I hope it makes most of you excited for what's coming, again, thank you for playing and becoming part of it, get excited!

Small patch 1.0.2b

Removed a ghost cylinder in a remote location

Traveling between levels has been changed a bit, it should prevent Clients getting booted to the main menu when the Host travels to a new location

Fixed a bug where private online sessions would become un-private

Can now rebind up, down, left, right keyboard keys

Added individual axis settings for X and Y axis

Removed camera smoothing setting, it wasn't doing anyhing, lmao

Hotfix 1.0.2a

Fixed a bug where if the host interacted with a stash before a client did, it would save empty stash information to clients.