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  2. News

Arctico News

Arctico 2.1

-Improved dark matter detector room design.
-Improved dark matter detector interactive screen.
-Adjusted dark matter detector data output.
-Improved telescope room design.
-Adjusted telescope data output.
-Added waterline shader fx to the kayak.
-Improved watering can particles.
-New sun halo fx.
-New sample pickup shader.

Arctico 2.0b

-Added auto save system to both single player and co-op mode.
-You can now fast travel to your base from the pause menu.
-improved time sync system in co-op mode.

Fixed online issues due to server overload

Apologies if you could not play online, the game was featured on the Steam front page and it was too much for our servers, the issue should be resolved by now.

Arctico language update

The game is now playable in simplified Chinese!

fixed: sled garage fast travel issues

Arctico 2.0

Added aurora boreal!
Improved fishing system, it is now easier to fish.
Improved main menu.
New cave water shader.
Adjusted dogs calories spending stats.
Fixed drill distance indicator showing nearby drills spots already used by the other player in coop mode.
Fixed sled color change bug while in coop mode.
Fixed "give fish" action not being translated in coop mode.
Fixed underground elevator repair prompt missing translation.
Fixed connection lost msg missing translation.
Fixed sometimes replacing a structure while in the caves would not work.
Fixed stars sometimes resetting before dawn.
Improved the color scheme and materials of the player 2 dogs in coop mode.
Fixed msg “The caves elevator system must be fixed” not being translated.

I also wanted to thank you all for your ongoing support, it always makes me smile when I read that players are enjoying the game and the new updates, I believe that by the end of the year Arctico will reach 1000 reviews and that really means a lot to me, thank you!