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Caves of Qud News

Feature Friday - April 26, 2024

  • Flaming tar pits are once again flaming.
  • Terrified creatures no longer charge.
  • Tumbling pods that are cult leaders now grant XP if they explode during combat.
  • You can now select stacks of items when donating books to Sheba or throwing artifacts down the Sacred Well.
  • You can now rename yourself in your original body or one your mind is stranded within.
  • The name for your saved game is now updated when you take a new name via stranded mind or otherwise.
  • Stilt Day Stilt pigs no longer open their pens.
  • Conjoined girshlings are now considered plural.
  • If you're standing next to friendly creature, you can use their culture when renaming your companions.
  • Clarified the popup message when you can't autoexplore the full map due to unusually dark darkness.
  • Goggles are now referred to in "pairs" rather than sets".
  • Gave thistle pitches a sell value.
  • Made Asphodel's description respect dynamic pronouns.
  • Added info about using the Alt overlay to the manual.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a popup message when one of your companions incurred extradimensional disappointment.
  • Fixed a bug that caused intact cryochambers to spawn on stair landings.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Neelahind to say the well has been poisoned by a previous accusation when the evidence did not match the culprit.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the 'Jeweled Dusk' achievement to unlock when you were not the target of the gemming attack.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the waking dreamers to always start one experience point away from leveling up.
  • Fixed a bug that caused temporary merchants to drop non-temporary wares on death.
  • Fixed a bug that caused 'Petals on the Wind' to be unfinishable if you had already started 'Find Eskhind'.
  • Fixed a bug that caused 'The Earl of Omonporch' delegates to spawn with and leave behind companions.

Patch schedule + Spring Molting Beta coming!

Hey there,
Here's an update on last week's Feature Friday plus some other news. Since it's already Thursday, we've decided to just wait and post Feature Friday along with this week's patch tomorrow. Then, we'll be skipping Feature Friday next week, because: the following week we're posting the Spring Molting beta!

So the schedule is
  • Friday, April 26th: Feature Friday
  • Friday, May 3rd: no Feature Friday; patch skipped
  • Sometime between May 6th - May 10th: Spring Molting beta

You can read about Spring Molting and our roadmap for 1.0 and beyond here.

Live and drink, friends.

Feature Friday coming a few days late this week

Hey all,
Got some team tech issues so we'll be posting this week's patch a few days late, likely some time this weekend.

Until then, live and drink.

It took about 15 years but epic roguelike Caves of Qud is nearly done

Caves of Qud from developer Freehold Games and publisher Kitfox Games is approaching the 1.0 finishing line, and so their roadmap towards the release has been put up and it sounds really exciting.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/04/it-took-about-15-years-but-epic-roguelike-caves-of-qud-is-nearly-done

Feature Friday - April 12, 2024

  • The salt desert is once again populated with scorpiocks.
  • Credit lockboxes are now made out of metal, as claimed.
  • Gigantic tonics now indicate they contain double dosage.
  • Flowers are no longer breakable.
  • Symbiotic fireflies are now treated as live animals.
  • Legendary animated objects now have "animated" in their display names, where appropriate.
  • Added plants and farmable plants to Mountains population tables.
  • Motorized treads and gun racks can no longer be dismembered.
  • Made Spinnerets' web stickiness scale better with mutation rank.
  • Clarified in Spinnerets' description that you are immune to getting stuck.
  • When you have Dystechnia, tinkers now give the right message when you ask them to identify an artifact.
  • Light chords no longer display their blank armor stats.
  • Stalagmites now render above liquid pools.
  • Creatures are now less prone to walking over catch basins and polluting their contents.
  • Opening yourself when you are an animated container (for ex. a table) will now open your inventory rather than saying "You have nothing to trade."
  • Fixed a bug that caused some spiders not to weave webs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the AI to toggle many toggleable AI abilities on and off again repeatedly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the sacred well to prompt you twice about important items.
  • Fixed a bug that caused limbs dismembered from creatures implanted with a phase harmonic modulator to stay omniphase indefinitely.
  • Fixed a color issue with mumblemouth.
  • [modding] Fixed a bug that caused IPlayerParts to be deep copied.