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  3. Updates - This Is Not A True Ending

Updates - This Is Not A True Ending

Fans of old choose-your-own-adventure books in the 80s were amused by the sheer randomness of instant death that could befall you. Turn left instead of right at the beginning? Game over.

Fans of modern games are not quite so keen.

Today we've added a new feature that, when you reach a premature Bad End, automatically prompts you with the option to jump back to the most recent choice so you can pick the other option and go on with your story.


This will only function completely if you have been playing through normally to that point. If you get to a game over section by jumping straight there from the Section Map, then there IS no most recent choice. In that case, 'go back' will default you back to the very beginning of the book.

We hope this change will improve the gameplay flow for you as you explore all the possible outcomes of the story!