1. Airships: Conquer the Skies
  2. News
  3. Version Some bugfixes and improvements

Version Some bugfixes and improvements

  • Fixed issue where screen modes that are taller/wider than the biggest one were disabled.
  • Fixed bug where ships breaking apart would have their modules revert to lower-tech appearances.
  • Nerfed certain tactics for taking down shellwalkers and stone guardians.
  • Non-red dragons fly past in the background sometimes.
  • Ships animate in the editor when operational.
  • Repeatedly clicking in the same place cycles between selecting the front and back decal if there are both.
  • Modding: Can now use true/false for canOccupy, leftDoors, rightDoors and upDoors rather than having to list them all individually.
  • Modding: Spritesheets larger than 1024px are now properly supported.
  • Modding: You can now set splashFriendlyFire to false for weapon modules where you want the splash damage to only hurt enemy ships.