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  3. Beta Testing (PC/Mac)

Beta Testing (PC/Mac)

We have recently started (secretly) beta testing SimpleRockets 2 for PC and Mac. We started with a very small group of people, just to ease into this and make sure nothing exploded, including our brains. So far we've had about 165 bug reports submitted and only Nathan's brain has exploded, so it's going well.

We'd like to add a few more beta testers. If you are interested, please see our post here. You will need an account on SimpleRockets.com if you want to participate.

We can't take everyone, but I will randomly select 25 people. If you are selected, you will receive a notification on SimpleRockets.com by 10/5/2018 at 9pm CST.

Also, I've been keeping an eye on how much we have left to do and the likelihood of finishing SR2 in October will be rather difficult. It is starting to look more likely that we will release in early November at this point. I have a stash of black licorice on standby. It smells gross.

As a bonus, here are some recent screenshots from some of the beta testers.