1. BlastZone 2
  2. News
  3. v1.36.1.1 - Several improvements to the 2nd person shooter Mission sequence

v1.36.1.1 - Several improvements to the 2nd person shooter Mission sequence

A new update has been released for BlastZone 2! (v1.36.1.1) This update makes several improvements to the 2nd person shooter sequence in Mission Mode Area 5, including fixing enemy bullet bugs, and fixed effect alignment and timing. This gives an overall more polished sequence as you dodge from enemy fire, while you’re in their sights!

Here are the full release notes for v.
    Improved enemy bullet firing behavior for the 2nd person enemy in Mission Mode Area 5
    -Fixed alignment issue between the "charge up" animations and fired bullets from the enemy
    -Slightly reduced the enemy bullet speed in this sequence
    -Improved timing for charging/firing bullet events, improving animation smoothness
    Improved enemy tracking bullet behavior for varying framerates
    Fixed incorrect Z tracking behavior for tracking enemy bullets
    -This is most noticeable for the 2nd person sequence in Mission Area 5
    -This makes each tracking bullet enter the gameplay plane multiple times
    Fixed some stationary enemy bullets disappearing too quickly
    -Also fixed these bullets quickly shrinking after being fired, even when they are supposed to increase in size
    -Many of these bullets are used in the 2nd person shooter scene
    Fixed a 'divide by zero' bug when spacer sections are used for enemy firing scripts
    -These are generally used when there is a long waiting period between enemy bullet firing
    -Generally applies to bosses and mini-bosses

      As usual, to make sure you have the latest update, launch the game and check the lower left corner for “v1.36.1.1” or higher. Enjoy!