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  2. News
  3. Friday Blog 241 - Update 0.10.1 is Live Right Now - adds Water Transparency!

Friday Blog 241 - Update 0.10.1 is Live Right Now - adds Water Transparency!

The live build of Colony Survival was just updated from to! The main change in this update concerns water. The visuals are much improved. Instead of it being solid light-blue “shaving foam”, it’s transparent with a new “wave-effect”. Moving around in water has also been enhanced.


There have been some minor changes made to the lighting too. There are now low and medium settings for Torch Quality. These render the torch lighting at a reduced resolution. This should be very noticeable for the performance of the game on minimum-spec computers.

The lighting during the day cycle has been tweaked a bit. We also found a bug affecting the ambient lighting during the sunset and sunrise, which has been fixed.

If you want to mess around with the lighting yourself, visit Colony Survival\gamedata\textures\materials and edit lighting.png. Lighting.txt provides detailed information on how it works. Changing the look of the water is possible too, and can be done with the settings at the end of serverperclient.json, which is found in Colony Survival\gamedata\settings. If you get interesting results, please share them with us in the comments or on Discord, we’re very curious about it.

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