1. Cash_Out
  2. News
  3. Cash_Out and Authoring Tools have been updated to!

Cash_Out and Authoring Tools have been updated to!

It's here, after several delays the authoring tools are (mostly) complete. With this update, level pack modding is mostly complete as well. I will be adding more functions but I don't plan on doing any more massive work with it.

Here are the patch notes for Cash_Out.

  • New unique enemy -> Kamikaze. Explodes on death after a couple of seconds.

    Added the following comparison methods to then(filtertarget).
    • then(filtertarget,self,true or false)
    • then(filtertarget,collision,true or false)
    • then(filtertarget,moving,true or false)

  • The following commands have been added
    • then(healthtarget,health) - Changes the targets health. (Keep in mind, player health is 600 by default!)
    • then(healtarget,amount) - Heals the target.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed commenting in scripts.
  • Fixed external subcommands and argument subcommands.
  • Added new enemy AI indicators to coop.
  • Landmines can now actually drop. (I don't know how I missed this honestly.)
  • Tacks can no longer be thrown through walls.
  • Changed the way that level pack files are unpacked, previously this was based on the time
  • Fixed metal and glass modded objects.
  • Enemies stuck behind tables no longer get stuck trying to walk through the table when trying to fire at you.

  • Tacks no longer slow down enemies and players, reduced damage too.
  • Mixed "blind" and "deaf" into one single status effect. (All blinding and deafening attacks applied both anyways.)

And here are the patch notes for the authoring tools, I haven't updated in almost 2 years so it's likely I'm missing a lot of stuff from this, but here they are.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed some export issues related to lighting.
  • Fixed an issue with corrupted sprites caused by temporary files not resetting properly.
  • Fixed quicksave and save being flipped in fuction.
  • Testing a mod pack no longer changes the last save position.
  • Minimizing the screen no longer deletes all text in a text field.
  • Fixed a crash caused by changing the name of a sprite.

  • Changed up the toolbar slightly.
  • Added some more options to the room editor.
  • Spruced up the script editor, it now checks if the code will have errors and now functions more like a real text editor. (copy, paste, cut etc)
  • Added external scripts! You can test the scripts to ensure that they don't crash too.
  • The help file is here! It's still unfinished though, click the ? button on popups, or middle button click the grey box in the script editor.

Other Changes
  • Instead of a limit of 1 backup, there is now a limit of 5 backups, after 5 is made, they'll start being deleted.
  • Associated the .cmp filetype with the authoring tools, clicking directly on level pack files will now launch them in the authoring tools. (Sorry, this isn't automatically applied, this is a limitation with windows 10, you'll have to associate the files yourself.)
  • Removed the "junk objects" section. Instead there's a toggle for objects that makes them "junk" objects.
  • Changed "microseconds" in the profile to %, which represents the % of a frame, if it passes 100% that's bad.

  • TEMPORARILY added the keybind CTRL + U to the export to steam option. This lets you input a steamworks workshop ID to directly update. Currently it is possible to update mods, but grabbing a list of what mods are the users mods is broken. I will update to fix this when I have a fix.

Anyways, next set of patches will focus on tutorial, training and glossary type stuff.
