1. Discouraged Workers - Original Sound Track
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  3. Original Sound Track has been updated!

Original Sound Track has been updated!

:seraph: Greeting Guardians!

:yggricano: I am Lee Yunseok, creator of YGGDRASIL STUDIO. Thank you for participating in :wallet:Steam Summer Sale 2017:wallet:! However, today, our original sound track has been updated! So I wanted to share this news!

:gayeon: Update details:
  • Fixed: By default, players can download MP3 format files, manuals, and disc labels.
  • Fixed: Players can download additional formats(FLAC, M4A, Ogg, WAV) they want from the DLC tab in the Steam client. Here I attached screenshot:
  • Added: Opus format.


:shame: Thank you for read this article. Then, I'll be back soon!