1. Arkin
  2. News
  3. The State of the Project

The State of the Project

Hello everyone,

This update may come as a surprise for most of you as we expect this project has long been forgotten at this point. We dropped off the map over two years ago and this update is intended to provide some closure to the project.

What’s the reason for this update?

In the interest of our fans, and ourselves, we felt the project needed some form of closure. To that end we’ve released Arkin as is. It’s available for free with a description that states the project is no longer active. This is not the end we wanted for the project but it’s the best outcome we can provide at this point.

What happened?

As development began to stretch far beyond our initial estimates, working on Arkin became more and more of a burden. No one was being paid for their time and life’s many other obligations began to take precedence. This led to a point about two years ago where work finally stopped and the team has not spoken since. The project was left in a state of limbo.

What now?

As of now, the project is formally cancelled. This is not the ending we wanted or anticipated, but unfortunately this is where we’ve ended up. We apologize to all the people who believed in us and were looking forward to playing Arkin.