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  2. News
  3. Game Update - Achievement and Bugs Fixes

Game Update - Achievement and Bugs Fixes

The game has been updated with a new build to fix some bugs.

Achievements fixed:

  • Keep it Up
  • I like Folk people
  • Regression

Unfortunately in case like "Keep it up" you will need to die 5 times again to trigger.
"I like Folk people" if you have 8 pages, you need to take any other document to trigger.
"Regression" will be triggered on credits scene

Bugs fixed

Elevator Spawn bug Fixed
Save spawn bug fixed.
Load with wierd teleport fixed.
Bug related with "Joaquim's Drawing" fixed

Maybe you will need to restart your steam client to apply this update.

*If the achievements not pop up, try again in few hours, steam servers is still processing the updates

If you're experiencing more problems, tell us.
Thanks for your pacient and feedbacks.