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  3. Six Sides of the World 1.3 update

Six Sides of the World 1.3 update

August and holidays are gone, it’s time to come back to work, prototyping the next Cybernetik Design game, but also it’s time to invest some efforts in Six Sides of the World because there are always errors hidden, unnoticed, and that’s the case.

Next you can find this little patch changelog:
  • Fixed some minor bugs in the interface.
  • Added some missing translations.

We found some glitches when the player clicked too fast on the menus causing a flickering effect on the interface. It’s not important, it does not causes any trouble to play the game, but once seen, can’t be unseen, and we’ve been looking for what causes it and it’s hopefully fixed.

Also, some parts of the translations of the game from the last narrative update were missing for some reason (surely a copy & paste issue, it’s the devil’s work, you always rely on it and you miss some sentence there and there). Now it’s fixed and all the texts of the game are complete.

On the other hand, we ran through some sales and bundles yet, and we’ve been watching your streams, reading your reviews and there’s a common point, the price. That’s because we are lowering it a little bit more. Have any friends who loves puzzle games and 5 bucks on your pocket? Gift them Six sides of the World for $4.99.