1. Ultimate Arena
  2. News
  3. The 12 Features Update, OUT NOW!

The 12 Features Update, OUT NOW!

Twelve features requested, thirteen features delivered!

The 12 Features update has hit Steam. Some of my favorites:

  • The most requested feature was custom sprites, now on the fighter editor you'll be able to set directional 32x32 sprites for your characters.
  • Animated fighter images. Make a sprite strip and set it as a fighter image and boom! Portraits will be more lively than ever!
  • Scrollable updates list. You can now scroll through updates! People will stop getting mad at me for this finally!

While I'm here I'd like to talk about Ultimate Arena updates for the remainder of the year.

The Twitch Update
This will bring the highly requested Twitch.tv features back into the game. We think that Ultimate Arena will be a great game to chill and hang out with your viewers, and this update will allow for your followers to get in on the action. Expect this update in March.

An Ultimate Fool's Surprise
I don't recall if we've ever done an April Fool's update. There will be one this year though.

The Maps 2.0 Update
I can't stand the way Ultimate Arena's maps currently work, so I am throwing all the current code out the window and starting from scratch on this section. Maps are unfortunately a big part of the game so it will take some time to make progress on this. Expect this update in September.

And that's what we've got planned. Of course smaller things and bugfixes will always be happening. Speaking of which, reporting bugs on Github is the best way for me to see them. With many big changes to the game there's a good chance bugs will pop up.

One more thing,

I now have a YouTube channel where I talk about Ultimate Arena development, among other things. Please subscribe if you're interested!

Thanks for being the best fanbase!
