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  2. News
  3. Return to Anomaly

Return to Anomaly

Hello and welcome back to Anomaly!

Its time to get a peek beyond those gates.
Heres a few WIP mechanics and enemies of the expanded Anomaly.

New MagWalls that allow you to walk on walls!

They're movable! Get ready to solve some placement puzzles ;]

Gravity wells got a fancy upgrade too

New enemy, some kind of anomalous spawn! It can conjure up gravity a vortex!

This one will fly, crawl on walls, have varying attacks. Beware!

Maybe just let them duke it out!

Thats it for now! Keep an eye out for update coming later!
Remember to check twitter for more frequent updates: @antonkudin and be sure to join the game discord for discussions about game's mechanics, story or anything else!

Thank you so much for playing my game!