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  3. Send us your BOO-tiful Halloween custom levels!

Send us your BOO-tiful Halloween custom levels!

[h2]Boo! It’s the spookiest month of the year! [/h2]

We want to feature your spooky Halloween/Autumn-themed custom levels in Ultimate Chicken Horse! So build and send us your custom levels, and we’ll pick 15 community creations to feature in the game.

Submit your levels to us by publishing your level and sharing the level code in the Steam comments by 11 PM PST on October 16. It can be a Party or Challenge level.

To make a custom level, go to the Treehouse lobby. Open the pause menu and click the arrows to change your game mode from "Party Mode" to "Free Play Mode". Then go to the underground area of the Treehouse and move to the left to the "Blank Level" section. Now you can make a level!

Need some inspiration? (These are only suggestions!)
- Halloween classics: Jack-o-lanterns/pumpkins, scarecrows, bones and skulls, night time, magic
- Beasts, monsters, and creatures: Ghosts, zombies, werewolves, vampires, mummies, witches, bats, cats
- Autumn/Fall: Thanksgiving, red leaves, cozy fires, camping, fireflies, warm drinks
- Delicious snacks: Candy, candy apples, chocolate, other sweets
- Locations: Graveyards, haunted houses, witch huts, dungeons
- Colours: Orange, black, white, purple, green
- Anything else you can come up with!

[h2]Ultimate Trap Dodger Shirt & Water Break Mug[/h2]
We've heard how much you loved our last special edition shirts/stickers! And if you missed the last collection, we have great news!

We've just launched another amazing UCH collab on The Yetee: The Ultimate Trap Dodger Shirt & Water Break Mug! Now you can play, wear, and drink UCH. That's a lot of UCH.

Happy October and see you in a couple of weeks!
- Tia