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Zombie Hunter, Inc. News

The first video is out.

Get a taste of Zombie Hunter inc's revolutionary aiming system in a video of our recent dethmatch playthrough!

Please tell me what you like/dislike about the game - I am all ears!


Early tests of Zombie Hunter inc start now.

Over the course of 2019 I did everything I could to bring the game to a playable state and improve it's overall quality even further. Even though there is still much to be done, I am happy to say that early tests are now possible and if you are interested, please contact me at [email protected]. There are no zombies (yet), which means that you cannot really play this game alone for now. All you can do on your own is run around and shoot buildings. However, the network code was implemented in the game since the very start, which means that we will be able to play a classic multiplayer deathmatch to fully test the game's unique aiming system.

I would highly appreciate if you could join our tests, as I badly need your feedback for the unique aiming system that the game has. It requires quite a bit of calibration and polish before it will be fully fledged and right now I've completely exhausted my brain trying to improve it. I need your constructive criticism to continue improving this most important part of the game.

The next year will be fully devoted to adding zombies and creating a playable single-player mission.

Test Level 80% done.

The Test Level is slowly approaching it's final form. I have accomplished a large body of work over the last year and I want to share with you a few screenshots that report the progress.

I am pleased to tell you that the game is running at 70 FPS with no notable optimization (which means I might speed it up even more in the future).

That is not all though. I've made quite a number of models that will be used in the interior areas or used as gameplay items (guns/armor). They are not in the Test Level yet, but I will show them separately below.



Interior and miscellaneous items:

I would love to just say that the game is already playable but it's not. Unfortunately there is quite a number of things that still need to be done before I can release the demo. The estimated date right now is next Christmas. I've come a long way and I want to ensure the quality of my demo is as best as I can make it, I cannot allow myself to cut corners when it comes to quality.

Test level progress

Hi everyone,

as I already wrote, creating models is one of the most time consuming task of all. Below you will find a report of what I was able to create since my last announcement.

As you will see, there is still quite a long way to go before the Test Level is complete. I will try to finish it before end of summer 2018 and so far there is a decent chance I might make it. Note that no single object in the level has all the details I have planned for them, especially roads.

The test level is actually a real crossroads from Washington, which I modeled from Google Maps' pictures. Try to find it if you can!

Please treat these screenshots as a progress report rather than the sample of the game's graphics. I've spent very little time on Post Processing, the scene has only one light source and there is still quite a few tricks I have hidden up my sleeve to boost the game's graphics up to 11.

I was surprised to see that Unity handled all of my 4k textures quite easily (there should be around 40-50 of those already, most buildings have 2k just for one wall, sometimes 4k for one wall). The level takes around 40 seconds to load right now. This time might go up to 60-70 seconds when the test level is done. In the future these loading time should be brought to a minimum as there is a Unity "Virtual Textures" plugin that massively speeds up texture loading times.

Hope you enjoy the screenshots and stay tuned!

Click the image to enlarge:

Test level progress

Hi everyone,

as I already wrote, creating models is one of the most time consuming task of all. Below you will find a report of what I was able to create since my last announcement.

As you will see, there is still quite a long way to go before the Test Level is complete. I will try to finish it before end of summer 2018 and so far there is a decent chance I might make it. Note that no single object in the level has all the details I have planned for them, especially roads.

The test level is actually a real crossroads from Washington, which I modeled from Google Maps' pictures. Try to find it if you can!

Please treat these screenshots as a progress report rather than the sample of the game's graphics. I've spent very little time on Post Processing, the scene has only one light source and there is still quite a few tricks I have hidden up my sleeve to boost the game's graphics up to 11.

I was surprised to see that Unity handled all of my 4k textures quite easily (there should be around 40-50 of those already, most buildings have 2k just for one wall, sometimes 4k for one wall). The level takes around 40 seconds to load right now. This time might go up to 60-70 seconds when the test level is done. In the future these loading time should be brought to a minimum as there is a Unity "Virtual Textures" plugin that massively speeds up texture loading times.

Hope you enjoy the screenshots and stay tuned!

Click the image to enlarge: