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  3. Sentinels: Returning in January

Sentinels: Returning in January

This isn't a post I wanted to make, but here we are.

TL;DR: Not abandoned, not by a long shot, just accepting the inevitable that we need a longer break after the great lockdown of 2020 broke... literally everything. We'll be back at the end of the year after a proper recharge and upgrade.

If you want more details - we kept promising updates, and I know they never came through -put simply, I bit off more than I can chew. If you hadn't seen the general discussion posts, I foolishly thought that I could juggle full time gamedev work along with a new move, new job, and essentially new life, along with a whole host of other issues. I kept optimistically thinking things would get better, sugarcoated the posts here, and then promptly was dragged back under with a million things that demanded my attention. I've had far, far too many sleepless nights trying to put all the pieces together, and all it's resulted in is poor updates that don't even deserve to make it to the beta.

This game is an enormous passion project that I've poured years of my life into, and our other dev even more - and we will never abandon it. But it was a mistake to continue to try to jump in half-cocked when my outside life was in shambles. Despite our best efforts, all the coffee and goodwill in the world can't manifest a working build from a week of no sleep. This is the last thing I ever wanted to have happen, but I didn't forsee having to build everything back from the ground up, and at this point it's obvious that a proper break is needed.

For those of you who have stuck with us this long, thank you so much for your support. We'll be back at the end of the year, after we've had time to recharge and properly set a roadmap for the future. I'm hoping to sprinkle in some updates here and there, but promising absolutely nothing until this year is in the rearview mirror. But what I can promise you is we'll be back in January, bright and early, and hopefully a bit better rested. :)