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Race Track Builder News


- Fixed: Rewrote Texture creation for AC Google API Venues. Texture creation had suddenly stopped working for some people.

(meanwhile, yes I am still working on the next major version and YES it's taking tooo long!!)


- Fixed: Straight Walls with 3 consecutive nodes placed in exactly the same spot would cause an error.
- Fixed: RTB would crash if Upgrading of Settings failed due to corrupt settings.

v1.6.9.0 ready for testing

- Added: Ability to set Rotation for Pit cars using Ring Gizmos.
- Added: Change of color when hovering over Cars & Gizmos.

- Improved: Cross-section editing on joins made simpler; editing one track affects the other automatically.
- Added: New tool to add Object along Roadside.
- Added: Add Object by Lasso tool has "Keep Off the Road" checkbox.
- Added: Extra Movement - when using the right-mouse button to look around, use the WASDQE keys to move forward/left/backwards/right/down/up and fly through the scene.
- Added: Reset Camera - see Edit menu.
- Added: XPacker - merge polylists using same material upon FBX import.
- Improved: Sped up save routine when many objects were selected.
- Improved: Track calcs slightly faster with more parallel processing.
- Fixed: String Object & Wall align tool was switching sides when cross tracks that were laid in different directions.
- Improved: Track cross section Arrow movement code uses new method to prevent collapse when distances approach zero.

Check it our here ... https://steamcommunity.com/app/388980/discussions/0/2790494800079539121/


- Change: Drive on Track by pressing Space (was D before but that conflicts with other function).
- Added: Split large Objects by material to form smaller ones in attempt to avoid Assetto Corsa's Max Vert limit of 65536.

- Added: Override naming for AC Export for Objects, String Objects and Walls.
- Improved: Grouping of objects using customised K-means clustering instead of grid based.
- Improved: Grouping of like-material objects that share the same single material to produce more efficient clusters of objects.
- Improved: Better Spherical splaying function in XPacker for tree normals.
- Fixed: Wall shadow casting property not being exported.
- Improved: When adding Objects, there are three group options: 1. Add to currently selected group or default. 2. Add to Named group if it matches on selected objects name. 3. Create new group.
- Added: Option to export by RTB Object Group when exporting to non-AC game.

v1.6.6.0 released

- Added: Better lighting in interface and more control under Venue settings.
- Fixed: Wall outline was not updating after panel length change.
- Fixed: Height plugin not starting immediately when loading a venue that has been saved without a height plugin, after it was originally saved with a height plugin.
- Fixed: KML file from data logger that uses slightly different format to Google Earth can now be imported.