1. Osiris: New Dawn
  2. News
  3. Experimental Build v1.5.65

Experimental Build v1.5.65

*Note - These changes are only on the Experimental Branch. To access the Experimental Branch, be sure to select it in your Steam Library. If this app does not appear, please check if this app is hidden in your Library. Experimental Branch changes typically upgrade to the primary branch monthly.

Greetings, Explorers!

Here's a minor update addressing a long-standing bug - the infamous Skill Tree lock-up. With your assistance in the forums, we were finally able to track down and squash this issue. A huge thanks to those who volunteered their time and effort to pinpoint this issue.

We also took a moment to enhance the post-processing effects for richer lighting, graphics, reflections, and ambient lighting.

[h2]Change List[/h2]

- Minor change to Post Processing Effects for improved lighting and colors.

- Skill Tree Lock up.

- Removed ability to "Learn" blueprints in right click menu as the Workstation now handles all Crytex and Blueprint learning.

Thanks, everyone, for your continued support. We appreciate all your feedback and hope you enjoy this update. If all goes well, we will be moving this to the Main branch very soon.

Warm regards,
Fenix Fire