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Wallpaper Engine News

Wallpaper Engine 2.4 - Lighting & Shader Improvements, Local Storage & More

Hey everyone,

Wallpaper Engine 2.4 largely builds on top of the new 3D features we have added with the previous update but also improves on the existing 2D wallpaper feature set.

[h2]New 3D Features[/h2][h3]Real-time Shadows[/h3] As an extension to the new lighting features we have added in the last updates, we are introducing real-time shadows for 3D models. You can enable shadows for your lights and models with just a few simple steps.[h3]Volumetric Lighting[/h3] Another addition to the lighting features of Wallpaper Engine is a new volumetric lighting system. This works especially well in combination with Bloom and Display HDR, as it allows you to create very scenic scenarios with lights.

As always, we have prepared a tutorial on our designer documentation website which you can use as a step-by-step guide:
[h3]Model Shaders[/h3] We also took some time to experiment with shaders for model textures. We have added three shaders which you can make use of:

Vegetation shader
This shader allows you to mimic gusts of wind in trees and adds the ability to create double-sided lighting for leaves and other similar materials.

Fur shader
This shader enables you to add volumetric hair to a model and can be tweaked for a wide variety of use-cases. Also works well with real-time shadows.

Chroma Shader
The Chroma shader adds a two-colored metallic shine to an object that changes depending on the viewing angle and distance.

Take a look at our designer documentation to learn more about these shaders and how to utilize them:[h3]Distance Fog[/h3] Another small yet useful addition are the new fog features. The new distance and height fog settings allow you to improve the visuals your environment. Take a look at the following guide to learn more:

[h2]Additional New Features[/h2][h3]Texture Projections[/h3] One more addition to lights, which is available in 2D and 3D wallpapers, is the new texture projection feature. It allows you to project an image, a video or even an entire layer including all effects using a spot light which enables some interesting new approaches to lighting.

Learn more about this in our designer docs:
[h3]SceneScript: Local Storage[/h3] Previously, it was not possible to store data in Scenescript across system restarts. We are now adding the ability to store data in a local storage so that it can be accessed again from the same wallpaper even after a system or program restart. This allows you to store some data and re-use it again at a later time. As a showcase, we have updated the existing Dino Run default wallpaper with a new high-score element in the upper right corner.

To learn more about this feature, see our Wallpaper Engine Designer Documentation:
[h3]2D - Puppet Warp: Vertex Editing & Blend Shapes[/h3] Another new feature that we have created is the ability to animate the shape of puppet warp textures. This allows for very precise facial animations along the geometry of a puppet warp texture.

As part of the update, we have also overhauled the geometry setup for puppet warp models and added the ability to precisely reposition each element of the geometry.

To learn more about these changes, take a look at the relevant designer documentation.

[h2]Miscellaneous Improvements[/h2][h3]Debugging User Properties in Editor[/h3] This update adds the ability to test user properties while previewing the wallpaper in the editor. Up until now, this was only possible when actually applying the wallpaper and we hope this change will speed up the testing process for you. You can find the new User Properties tab at the bottom of the editor for scene wallpapers, if it is missing for you, you can get it back by resetting the editor layout or opening it from the view menu.

[h3]New User Property Group Functionality[/h3] This update also introduces a new grouping feature for user properties, allowing for a less cluttered wallpaper configuration, as multiple related properties can be hidden away in a group:

Learn more about this feature in our designer documentation.

[h3]Windows Insider Support[/h3]This update adds support for Microsoft's latest changes to Windows Insider Editions and future stable releases of Windows.

Be sure to check out the full changelog here:

Wallpaper Engine 2.4 Changelog
Additions / Changes
  • Added shadow mapping for spot/point/directional lights.
  • Added light volumetrics for spot and point lights.
  • Added projected texture for spot lights.
  • Upgraded lighting system to use more intuitive radius/intensity controls and added new falloff control for custom falloff settings per light.
  • Added distance and height fog.
  • Added puppet warp vertex editing and vertex animation.
  • Added alpha to coverage blending for shadow mapping of i.e. foliage.
  • Added post-processing controller layer to adjust volumetrics rendering order.
  • Added lookAt script function for renderables.
  • Added getChildren script function to iterate hierachies.
  • Added localStorage to Scenescript (added highscore to stock Dino Run wallpaper).
  • Added vector min/max/mix functions to Scenescript.
  • Added renderable world matrix access to get directional vectors easily.
  • Added user property edit and preview window.
  • Added user property "group" type to add foldable groups to the browser.
  • Added shader program count statistic to judge wallpaper load times.
  • Added new 3D shaders: foliage, fur, chroma.
  • Added support for new desktop window hierarchy on Windows Insider.
  • Added camera up/down keys (q/e) for 3D scenes.
  • Added texture import support for tif/tiff.
  • Added frustum culling for 3D layers to main viewport and multi viewport shadow rendering.
  • Added render bounds additionally to base bounding box which takes animation volumes into account.
  • Added new auto bezier key frame method to create smooth animations more easily.
  • Updated assimp model import library.
  • Upgraded Android app to target Android 14 and updated libraries.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed missing noise option for pulse effect.
  • Fixed transparency cropping issues on puppets.
  • Fixed position picker.
  • Fixed model clip animations with single frame.
  • Fixed old submissions using a bug to render text behind 3D models and added a proper option to control this for new submissions.
  • Fixed parallax property being hidden on transform layer since it's still required when building a hierarchy of layers.
  • Fixed timeline animation resetting relative animation components (i.e. origin) when linking multiple properties.
  • Fixed text layer padding being ignored when text layers are rendering without effects, but opaque background.

[h3]Wallpaper Engine 2.4.82 Hotfix Changelog[/h3]
  • Added best of 2024 collection to discover tab.
  • Made mini mode resizable in height.
  • Various fixes and improvements regarding the "High Performance" texture setting.
  • Fixed "Cast shadow" option not being stored properly on 3D models.
  • Fixed web wallpaper publishing issues.
  • Improved stability during and after driver updates and other critical moments in which the graphics card drivers might reset.
  • Adjusted auto bezier values.
  • Added bloom tint parameter.
  • Disabled bezier feature buttons based on current bezier mode.
  • Added light source size option to point lights so they can be placed inside geometry more easily.
  • Made invisible video textures pause decoding to improve video texture performance in scenes with many optional video textures.
  • Improved default light values for 2D scenes.

Wallpaper Engine - Android Update

The Android app update will start to roll out across all app stores now. Please note that mobile app stores tend to release updates with a delay, so it might take a few days for the update to reach you.

If you have installed the APK file directly, you can grab the latest APK on our website right now:

[h3]Download the latest version of Wallpaper Engine on Android[/h3]

Wallpaper Engine 2.3 - New 3D Model Support, Improved Lighting, Asset Hierarchy

Hey everyone,

Wallpaper Engine 2.3 completely overhauls support for 3D wallpapers, improves real-time lighting with additional light types and adds a new hierarchy and attachment system.

[h2]New 3D Model Features[/h2]
[h3]Model Editor[/h3]
We are introducing a brand new model editor that allows you to import FBX model files with skeletal and vertex animations. Models can now also have a much more complex material setup similar to what can already be done in 2D wallpapers for puppets, including physical-based rendering "PBR" through various texture maps. In simple terms, you can now configure model materials to properly represent different substances like a shiny piece of metal or a piece of clothing.

The model editor allows you to organize animations inside the model data and turn them into clips that you can use in your wallpaper. On top of that, you can configure individual model bones as physics (jiggle) bones and add custom logic via SceneScript events.

We have created a series of 3D-related tutorials, be sure to check them out on our designer documentation website.

[h3]New Camera System[/h3]
Wallpaper Engine also introduces a new camera system that brings it in line with all of the improvements we have made to the editor in the latest updates and allows for much more complex and smoother camera movements through timeline animations.

[h2]Improved Lighting[/h2]
We are also expanding on the real-time lighting features for puppet warp layers. Real-time lighting works well in both 2D and 3D scenarios, so these changes are useful for all types of wallpapers.

Wallpaper Engine was previously limited to 4 real-time lights per wallpaper, we have increased this limit to 12 which enables more complex scenarios. We are also introducing three new types of lighting. Previously, all lights were simple point lights that are comparable to light bulbs emitting their light evenly from one spot. Take a look at all the light types that are now available in the editor:

Point Light

Spot Light

Tube Light

Directional Light

  • Click here to learn more about the new light types.
[h2]Asset hierarchy and attachments[/h2]
This update also introduces a new hierarchy system in the asset list. This allows you to attach an asset to another parent asset. If the parent asset is moved, rotated or scaled, so will all its children.

This is yet another feature that is useful in both 2D and 3D scenarios, as it greatly simplifies the way that you can link multiple objects with each other, even across complex animations. Take a look at the following example, where we have attached a light to a moving model with just a few button clicks:

To learn more about the new hierarchy and attachment system, take a look at the following tutorials:
Be sure to check out the full changelog here:
Wallpaper Engine 2.3 Changelog

[h2]3D model improvements[/h2]
  • Added skeletal animation and blend shape animation support to models imported from FBX files.
  • Added bone constraints / physics simulation support for models with a skeleton.
  • Made 3D models automatically scale on import if their scaling doesn't match Wallpaper Engine.
  • Added new model shader with physically based rendering ("PBR") settings.
  • Added pre-rendering system to compose layer, so that image effects can be applied to 3D models and particles on 2D wallpapers.
  • Added new camera system that allows toggling between multiple cameras and paths. Allows controlling the camera like an object. Click here to view a tutorial.
  • Added hitboxes and click events to models.
  • Added automatic transparent object sorting to 3D scenes. Useful if you have a lot of transparent objects and a moving camera, that shows them from different angles.
  • Added new 3D scene editor grid.
  • Added button to switch between local space and world space rotation and translation.

[h2]General Editor Improvements[/h2]
  • Added scene layer hierarchy system. Click here to read a tutorial.
  • Puppet models now feature attachment points that can be used to bind other assets to them. Click here to read a tutorial.
  • Added new lighting system that supports more lights and new light types, including spots, tube and directional lights. Click here to see an overview of all new light types.
  • Added search box to effect and asset list.
  • Implemented support for Steam's new content rating system during the upload process. Adjust your Steam age rating preferences for your Steam account here.
  • Added transform layer type.
  • Added model/puppet attachment to image layer projection so certain image effects can be attached to objects behind them.
  • Changed puppet animations to use more generic angular interpolation and match 3D skeletal animations.
  • Added new shader rebuild overlay to clearly show when the editor is busy rebuilding the shader cache.
  • Added normal map import x and y flip option so normal maps can be matched more easily.
  • Added ability to select any layer by clicking in the scene. Select underlying layers by holding the left mouse button continuously.
  • Made physics bones behave more stable when they are chained.
  • Improved physics bones torque simulation.
  • Added dual wave option to water waves effect so more interesting effects can be achieved with a single wave layer.

[h2]App improvements[/h2]
  • Various Discover tab improvements, now highlights popular wallpapers.
  • Optimized performance on 2D scenes by disabling anti-aliasing automatically if a scene doesn't contain 3D elements.
  • Added warning when a Windows slideshow or Windows spotlight is set as a Windows wallpaper, since it causes the live wallpaper to disappear momentarily.
  • Anti-aliasing compatibility improvements for latest versions of Windows 11.
  • Improved virtual desktop compatibility for latest versions of Windows 11.
  • Fixed various crashes related to Windows Copilot, though it remains somewhat unstable as it significantly alters the desktop. We recommend turning Windows Copilot off for the time being.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed finished sounds playing after unpause in scenes.
  • Fixed puppet texture channel animations when textures are auto cropped.
  • Fixed shader preprocessor not recognizing certain commands correctly when spaces were missing, added support for #elif.
  • Fixed clean project deleting files with capitalized file extension when it shouldn't.
  • Fixed inversed culling mode on flipped wallpapers not being reverted during pre-render steps, causing layers to disappear.
  • Fixed engine forward vector being flipped in shaders.
  • Fixed "lighting 3" particle having artifacts on its border.
  • Fixed particle oscillate alpha blending not being applied.
Wallpaper Engine - Android Update

The Android app update will start to roll out across all app stores now. Please note that mobile app stores tend to release updates with a delay, so it might take a few days for the update to reach you.

If you have installed the APK file directly, you can grab the latest APK on our website right now:

[h3]Download the latest version of Wallpaper Engine on Android[/h3]

Wallpaper Engine 2.2 - Album Cover Integration, Fluid Simulation & More

Hey everyone,

today we are releasing Wallpaper Engine 2.2 which comes with new editor effects, support for dynamic album covers and song data in wallpapers and a large set of improvements throughout the app and the wallpaper editor.

[h2]Media & Album Cover Integration[/h2]

A long standing feature request was to implement the ability to have song data and album covers to be part of wallpapers. With Wallpaper Engine 2.2, we have now made this possible, as long as your media player provides this data to the Windows media overlay that appears in the upper left corner.

Take a look at the following sample wallpaper we created. The vinyl record will change the album cover to the currently playing album from Spotify:

Interested in using this record player as a wallpaper or screensaver? Click here to download it.

This functionality will work with any music player as long as it sends its album cover data to the Windows media overlay (visible in the upper left of the showcase above). You may need to enable this in the settings of your media player.

If you want to utilize this feature in your own wallpapers, be sure to check out our designer documentation which covers this topic in great detail:
If you are using a wallpaper with this feature but the album covers do not appear for you or if you have another question or issue, be sure to first check out our help website, as it helps you to resolve the most common problems regarding this feature:
[h2]Dynamic Fluid Simulation[/h2]

A new effect in the editor allows you to easily add dynamic fluid simulation to your wallpapers. The fluid simulation makes it possible to create interactive fluid, fire or smoke-like effects. Support for interactivity with the mouse cursor is included and you can create a collision mask, which allows the simulated fluid to bounce off of objects in the wallpaper.

As usual, we have created an extensive documentation for this effect on our designer documentation website, be sure to check it out and give it a try: [h2]Even More New Effects[/h2]

On top of the other changes we have already showcased, we have added a bunch of additional effects to the editor that you can utilize in your wallpapers.

[h3]Cursor Ripple[/h3]

The new cursor ripple effect allows you to make certain parts of your wallpaper react to the mouse cursor by giving off water ripples in its movement path.

Make sure to check out the effect documentation to learn more on how to implement it into your wallpapers: [h3]Chromatic Aberration[/h3]

This effect was mainly added because previously, users often used the VHS effect for its Chromatic Aberration. We wanted to add a simpler and more performant alternative to it. If you just want to add chromatic aberration to your wallpaper, you can use this effect from now on instead of using the VHS effect instead. You can learn more about it in our designer documentation: [h3]Gradient Blend Effect[/h3]

The Gradient Blend effect allows you to create more complex transitions between two images. To learn more about it, check out its documentation page:[h3]Radial Blur Effect [/h3]

The Radial Blur effect creates a rotational blur on an image layer. We have used it in the vinyl example in the album cover section above to create a slight blur effect on the rotating vinyl record.

[h2]Texture Channels in Puppet Warp Animations[/h2]

For the more advanced puppet warping system, we have added a new texture channel option. This allows you to add multiple textures into one puppet warp model and to transition between them as part of your animation. In its simplest form, it can be used for simple animations like eye blinking, but you can also change the look of entire characters or objects this way.

To learn more about this feature, check out the documentation page:[h2]Miscellaneous Noteworthy Features[/h2]

We have made a ton of additional small improvements throughout the app, here are some more noteworthy features that you might want to check out:

[h3]Quick Mobile Preview Feature[/h3]

Want to quickly get an idea of what a wallpaper might look like on your Android smartphone? Right-click on an installed wallpaper, then navigate over "Play in Window" and then select "Phone Preview" to get a vertical preview of the wallpaper.

[h3]GIF Recording Feature for Preview Images[/h3]

Many wallpapers already make use of animated GIFs for preview images. However, these preview images have to be created with third-party tools which can be a little bit complex for some users. For this reason, we have added a simple GIF recording functionality into the "Capture Preview" option at the end of the publishing process. Press the "G" key during the preview creation to switch to GIF recording mode, then follow the instructions in the upper left corner. We hope this will make animated preview GIFs more accessible to more users.

Wallpaper Engine - Android Update

The Android app update will start to roll out across all app stores now. Please note that mobile app stores tend to release updates with a delay, so it might take a few days for the update to reach you.

If you have installed the APK file directly, you can grab the latest APK on our website right now:

[h3]Download the latest version of Wallpaper Engine on Android[/h3]

Full Changelog

To get an overview of all changes and bug fixes, be sure to read the entire changelog:

Wallpaper Engine on Windows
[h2]Additions / Changes[/h2]
  • Added fluid simulation effect.
  • Added Media Integration for album covers and music data in Scene and Web wallpapers using Windows Global Media Sessions.
  • Added cursor ripple effect.
  • Added gradient blend effect.
  • Added radial blur effect.
  • Added chromatic aberration effect.
  • Added opacity mask to precise blur effect.
  • Added alpha blur option to blur effects.
  • Added time offset texture to water waves effect.
  • Added puppet warp alpha bone animations.
  • Added puppet warp texture channel animations.
  • Improved puppet bone visualization with new gizmos.
  • Added polygon selection tool to separation/character sheet editor.
  • Added options to control maximum width and number of rows for text layers.
  • Added ability to record GIFs for Workshop snapshot in editor.
  • Added asynchronous texture streaming loader to improve wallpaper loading speed.
  • Added "flicker value" stock script snippet.
  • Added puppet depth map painting and replaced basic extrusion.
  • Added mp4 as supported image layer import format to file dialog in editor.
  • Added stutter detection experiment to video playback through media foundation.
  • Changed gallery context menu to use more groups and be more compact.
  • Added ability to open wallpaper preview in portrait size or maximized.
  • Improved property changing consistency in animation editor.
  • Changed animation wrap loop option to be enabled by default.
  • Added ability to copy and paste entire animation channels easily from property context menu.
  • Added dark theme support to tray menu using undocumented APIs.
  • Added resolution options to high-performance export for tablets.
  • Added new monitor identification system (Managed) which will be used in new configs by default and will be more resilient against Windows inconsistencies.
  • Changed display HDR to manage albedo brightness so extreme brightning is avoided when albedo brightness is too high.
  • Improved automatic web audio muting.
  • Improved lockscreen image cropping when monitors are offset vertically.
  • Changed scenescript module to only unload on program shutdown so stability bugs in V8 are avoided when DLL gets reloaded too often.
  • Added performance warnings to expensive (multi pass) effects.
  • Added shader property grouping for complex effects.
  • Added layer sorting menu to context menu in editor.
  • Reduced memory required for sprite sheet base textures.
  • Added 45 snapping to editor knob control when holding SHIFT down.
  • Changed editor texture memory to include missing, currently invisible textures.
  • Improved Workshop assets not updating after subscribing externally.
  • Changed audio detection to use selected audio input device.
  • Added support for HDR effects high performance encoding for mobile.
  • Added ability to add application rules for files with invalid program extensions.
  • Added ability to copy playlists and wallpaper properties between monitors from display selection.
  • Improved key frame selection behavior in curve editor.
  • Added placeholder solid layer that allows using a basic layer with dynamic user/system textures.
  • Added floating rounding to nested property sliders in editor.
  • Added Workshop URL copy button to editor menu and publish dialog.
  • Added roboto mono as new stock mono spaced font.
  • Added "getWallpaper" command to CLI to print out current wallpaper path.
  • Added video texture count to editor stats.
  • Added effect performance counts to editor stats.
  • Updated Wuffs PNG decoder.
  • Updated Windows SDK.
  • Updated ASIO.
  • Changed main projects to C++20.
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed blend mode layers to not be pre-rendered when invisible.
  • Fixed timeline editors being unlinked when toggling preview.
  • Fixed customizable tag being added when invalid user property links are present.
  • Fixed image reflection not working when lighting is disabled.
  • Fixed font characters being unmapped too early and text rendering incorrectly.
  • Fixed particle editor viewport settings.
  • Fixed clean project dialog suggesting deletion of newly used files due to scene file not being updated beforehand.
  • Fixed playlist app shutdown/restart delta time not being used to advance playlist on load.
  • Fixed cloning shell hook not being reloaded after Explorer crashing.
  • Removed unlisted option from publish dialog since it's unavailable on Steam now.
  • Fixed portrait/phone wallpapers being difficult to record a snapshot for in the editor.
  • Fixed brush detection on perspective/rotated layers.
  • Fixed being able to upload badly encoded videos.
  • Fixed video colorization sometimes not taking effect.
  • Fixed wrap loop frames option causing second to last frame to not save correctly.
  • Fixed UV position picker for post-processing layers.
  • Changed app wallpaper to close parent window before attempting to shutdown child process to potentially improve app closing behavior.
  • Fixed playlist not looping properly when the following is true: two wallpaper, intro enabled, sorted timer, change on video end enabled.
Wallpaper Engine on Android
[h2]Additions / Changes[/h2]
  • Added option to disable wallpapers colors API or override it for phones that choose badly readable UI colors on their own.
  • Added button to clear shader cache.
  • Updated Android target SDK and NDK to Android 13.
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed shader cache not being used.

Hotfix 2.2.18
[h2]Additions / Changes[/h2]
  • Added new borderless option to "play in window" CLI command.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed issues with certain iCUE / Chroma wallpapers not working correctly by forcing LED layers to always render even when they are set to invisible in the editor.
  • Fixed various audio playback issues.
  • Fixed wallpapers with solid placeholder layer failing to upload.

Wallpaper Engine 2.1 - Inverse Kinematics Animations, User Texture Import & More

Hello everyone,

today we're introducing Wallpaper Engine 2.1 for Windows and Android with a wide range of new features, overall improvements and bug fixes. We will walk you through some of the most impactful new features in this update.

[h2]User Texture Imports[/h2]
Another highly requested feature was the ability to allow for users to import their own images and even videos into existing wallpapers created with the Wallpaper Engine editor. These altered versions of a wallpaper can then also be shared on the Steam Workshop as so-called wallpaper presets. We are sure this will lead to a whole new series of popular and highly customizable wallpapers, so be on the look out for new and updated wallpapers with this feature!

Credits for the sample video files go to Aduare and illuskate.

To learn more about how to add customizable textures to your own wallpapers, be sure to check out our designer documentation:
[h3][/h3][h2]New Editor Gizmo for Perspective Effects[/h2]
Previously, when you wanted to utilize certain perspective effects in the editor, the process was rather tedious and required manual number input. We have now released a new set of editor "gizmos" that you can use to change the perspective of certain effects more intuitively.

Resizing the Perspective effect using the new perspective editor gizmo. Shout-out to VISUALDON.

You will find the new gizmo when using the following effects with the Perspective option enabled (if applicable):
  • Perspective Effect
  • Cloud Effect
  • Water Ripple Effect
  • Water Waves Effect
  • Reflection Effect

[h2]New Editor Effects[/h2]
In addition to the improvements to the perspective effects, we have also added two new effects to the editor with their own highly-customizable gizmo. These two effects can be utilized in a wide area of use-cases and make certain animations much easier to implement:

Swing Effect
Swings an object back and forth.

Twirl Effect
Applies a configurable a spiral effect.

[h2]Inverse Kinematics Animations[/h2]
With Wallpaper Engine 2.1, we are further improving on the puppet warp animation system in the wallpaper editor. One of the main new features are inverse kinematics animations. Inverse kinematics are an advanced functionality which allow you to create complex animations for limbs and joints of a character.

Inverse kinematics animation in the Wallpaper Engine editor

Alongside inverse kinematics, we have also added blend rules for bones. This allows you to attach a bone from one limb to another for example. Take the knight animation above, where the sword becomes attached to the hand once the knight pulls it out of the stone - this is one possible application of blend rules.

You can learn more about inverse kinematics and blend rules in the following two tutorials:
[h2]Discover Section Improvements[/h2]
To make it even easier to find new wallpapers and content creators, we have overhauled some aspects of the Discover tab in the app. You will can now find new collection elements in the discover tab that allow you to find popular authors and wallpaper collections more easily.

We also added new "Best of 20XX" collections which allow you to easily find the most popular wallpapers of a given year - all the way back to 2016 when Wallpaper Engine first launched.

Please see the Wallpaper Engine 2.1 changelog below for a full list of improvements and bug fixes.

Wallpaper Engine for Windows

[h2]Additions / Changes[/h2]
  • Added inverse kinematics for puppet warp animations.
  • Added support for user imported textures/videos in scenes.
  • Added puppet warp reference pose system to make using character sheets easier.
  • Added Wuffs PNG decoder to improve scene loading speed.
  • Added new creator/collection highlight system to Discover tab.
  • Added "best of" queries for each year to Discover tab.
  • Added animation loop wrap option to make looping puppet warp and property animations easier.
  • Locked label width in browser to fix long labels moving other elements around.
  • Removed active wallpaper from playlist poolto prevent repetition of first wallpaper.
  • Changed "aero peek unpause" option to also affect unpausing of start menu.
  • Added different application wallpaper window detection that has a higher compatibility than the previous hook based one.
  • Improved text shaping performance for long texts on text layers that change every frame.
  • Added experimental support for different wallpapers per virtual desktop (needs to be enabled in general settings).
  • Added named hitboxes to click events on puppet warp layers.
  • Added SceneScript function playSingleAnimation() to play a puppet warp animation once.
  • Added "animation ended" callbacks to puppet warp animations.
  • Added project cleaning dialog to delete unused assets from projects to clear up disk space.
  • Updated spin and perspective effects and added custom gizmos for them.
  • Added swing and twirl effects with custom gizmos.
  • Added better perspective distortion to clouds, water ripple, water waves and reflection effects with custom gizmos.
  • Added more icons and colors for folders.
  • Updated V8 and CEF.
  • Updated STB image.
  • Updated font awesome.
  • Changed 'add' layer blendmode to use native blending and made native/emulated blending more obvious in dropdown.
  • Disabled loading wallpaper cache after Steam user has been switched.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed Display HDR white level alignment.
  • Fixed some rendering issues with specific sprite sheet/lighting/puppet warp combinations.
  • Fixed system menu not being available on user interface.
  • Fixed web wallpapers not working properly when used as screensaver and wallpaper at the same time.
  • Fixed Display HDR not being recognized if it was only supported by some of the connected monitors.
  • Made slider updates in editor more reliable.
  • Fixed cloned wallpapers in screensavers not being muted.
  • Fixed some undo/redo behaviors in editor.
  • Fixed slowdown when importing 1000s of images at once.
  • Changed thumbnail image generator to only generate currently visible previews.

Wallpaper Engine for Android

[h2]Additions / Changes[/h2]
  • Enabled Wallpaper Colors API on Samsung devices again. Previous versions of Android caused the app to crash on Samsung devices. If you experience crashes on Samsung devices after this update, make sure that your device is up-to-date.
  • Added long-press dialog to apply button that also allows reverting the wallpaper back to the system default again.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed video wallpaper rotation not resetting properly when switching between landscape/portrait modes.
  • Added workaround to a reference leak in Android surface view.
  • Fixed time of day/day of week playlist crashing when too many wallpapers were active.
[hr][/hr][h2]Additional Notes about the Android Update[/h2]

The Android app update will start to roll out across all app stores now. Please note that mobile app stores tend to release updates with a delay, so it might take a few days for the update to reach you.

If you have installed the APK file directly, you can grab the latest APK on our website now:

[h3]Download the latest version of Wallpaper Engine on Android[/h3]
Wallpaper Engine 2.1.32 - Minor Fixes and Improvements

[h2]Additions / Changes[/h2]
  • Added support for playlists in new experimental virtual desktop support feature.
  • Custom textures in presets are now added to Android package during export.
  • Current user properties settings are now exported to any Android device.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed crash when creating new presets on systems without any existing presets.
  • Fixed issues with puppet warp click events.
  • Fixed GIF placement in user textures not being centered.
  • Multiple fixes regarding texture imports on Android
  • Added workaround for issues related to broken instances of Windows Explorer.